IoCreateNotificationEvent 同步r3和r0

来源:互联网 发布:旅游入境数据统计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:13


    OUT PHANDLE  EventHandle


  • The user-mode application creates the event object and passes a handle to the object to the driver by sending an IOCTL to the driver. The driver must handle the IOCTL in the context of the process that created the event object and must validate the handle by calling ObReferenceObjectByHandle. This method is the recommended method for sharing event objects between user and kernel modes.
  • 翻译:(用户模式创建事件对象,通过IOCTL然后把句柄传递给驱动,这个IOCTL必须是在创建这个事件的进程中
  • 并且要通过调用ObReferenceObjectByHandle.来引用这个句柄。这个方法是推荐使用在r3和r0共享事件对象的)
  • The driver creates a named event object in the //BaseNamedObjects object directory. You can open a kernel-mode event named //BaseNamedObjects/Xxx in user mode under the name Xxx. Note that security settings can prevent an application from opening the event. For more information, see the  OpenEvent Fails in a Non-Administrator Account KB article. The //BaseNamedObjects object directory is not created until the Microsoft Win32 subsystem initializes, so drivers that are loaded at boot time cannot create event objects in the //BaseNamedObjects directory in their DriverEntry routines   (这个是这个驱动防火墙所使用的)


  RtlInitUnicodeString(&EventName, L"//BaseNamedObjects//NtDrvAntiNotifyEvent");
  Event = IoCreateNotificationEvent(&EventName, &Handle);



                           KeSetEvent(Event, 0, 0);

