Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE Chapter 3

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Create DAO Interface  那一节中“Go to src > add package named au.com.tusc.dao > Add a class StoreAcessDAOImpl in that package”红色字体错了,应该是StoreAccessDAOImpl。

还有就是因为使用不同版本的jboss和lomboz,所以文章中说到的ejbGenerate.xml 文件对应的是xdoclet.xml文件。

Stateless Session Bean

根据Mastering EJB 2nd的描述,建立一个EJB Component所需要的几个步骤

1. Write the .java files that compose your bean: the component interfaces,
home interfaces, enterprise bean class file, and any helper classes you
might need.这一步因为有lomboz的帮忙,我只需要写enterprise bean class文件,在这一章的例子当中就是StoreAccessBean就是enterprise bean文件。然后在这个文件的开始地方加几个tag,如@ejb.dao,lomboz就会自动生成StoreAccessDAO文件。

2. Write the deployment descriptor. Lomboz会自动创建相关的部署文件

3. Compile the .java files from step 1 into .class files.Writing Your First Bean

4. Using the jar utility, create an Ejb-jar file containing the deploymentdescriptor and .class files.

5. Deploy the Ejb-jar file into your container in a vendor-specific manner,perhaps by running a vendor-specific tool or perhaps by copying yourEjb-jar file into a folder where your container looks to load Ejb-jar files.

6. Configure your EJB server so that it is properly configured to host yourEjb-jar file. You might tune things such as database connections, thread pools, and so on. This step is vendor-specific and might be done through a
Web-based console or by editing a configuration file.

7. Start your EJB container and confirm that it has loaded your Ejb-jar file.

8. Optionally, write a standalone test client .java file. Compile that test client into a .class file. Run the test client from the command line and have it exercise your bean’s APIs.


