Android Activity

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝充气娃娃真人演示 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 09:02

First of all, what is an activity?
Let me paint you a picture, suppose that you are a director, and you are directing a play.
Now, you need to design all the scenes that you want to show to your audiences.
Here are go, remember that every scene is an Activity.
So, an Activity is a picture that you want to show in the monitor, and you use it to make interaction with your users.
And then, you should arrange your stage properties.
You can decide which actor(actress) should be appear in you scene, and how many actors(actresses) you need. When you find a actor(actress),
you should tell him(her) what does he(she) should do in the stage, and you can decide where to put them in the stage.
Ok, let's make a conclusion:
You are a director.
An application(a software) is a play, is a show, it contains many scenes to show to your audiences.
An activity is a single scene, in Java language, it is a Class which must extend from the super class named Activity.
An UI widget is a actor(actress), it's performance is manipulated by you.


Now, let's begin to direct your play.
Step1: You need a manifest to list all your actors(actresses).
In java language they are classes, for instance, Activities, Intents, Services, Content Providers.


In Android, the manifest is named as AndroidManifest.xml, here is a manifest.


Step2: You need to select actors(actresses) to arrange your scene.
In Android, you arrange your widgets for one Activity in a XML file in a folder named 'layout'.
Here is a layout, main.xml.
By the way, you can use "DroidDraw" to design your layout.
You can download it at


Step3: Design the lines that you want your widgets to show in the stage.


Step4: Tell your actors what to do in the stage. Namely, you should design the activity here.
