
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu配置anaconda3 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 19:07

//1 问题的解决方法可以利用下面的方法解决.

//CString strtemp = szTemp.SpanIncluding("0123456789");
//if (!strtemp.IsEmpty())
//2 问题我用循环递归的方法实现,首先查找最先出现的符号位置,然后利用字符串分割技术取RIGHT部分再进 行循环调用就可以了,相关代码可以见下:
int CSampleDlg::GetStringNum(CString szVal) //获得字符串中间.号的个数
 int nNum = 0;
 while (1)
  int nCount = szVal.Find('.');
  if (nCount ==  - 1)
  szVal = szVal.Right(szVal.GetLength() - nCount - 1);
 return nNum;

//3 问题可以采用获得EDIT控件句柄发送EM_SETSEL消息的方法实现.

void CSampleDlg::OnChange()
 // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
 // send this notification unless you override the CEdit::OnInitDialog()
 // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
 // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
 int nPoint = 0;
 CString m_estr, szTemp;
 int nLen = m_estr.GetLength();
 if (!m_estr.IsEmpty())
  szTemp = m_estr.Right(1);
  BOOL bNum = TRUE;
  CString strtemp = szTemp.SpanIncluding("0123456789");
  if (!strtemp.IsEmpty())
   bNum = TRUE;
   bNum = FALSE;
  nPoint = GetStringNum(m_estr);
  if (strcmp(szTemp, ".") == 0 || bNum)
   if (nPoint > 1)
    m_estr = m_estr.Left(m_estr.GetLength() - 1);
    SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, nLen, nLen);
    return ;
   m_estr = m_estr.Left(m_estr.GetLength() - 1);
   SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, nLen, nLen);
   return ;