
来源:互联网 发布:apache框架 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:33

添加SQL Server监视出错
Monitor name :MS SQL Server. Cannot create measurement SQLServer|User Connections| on machine

Details: 在计算机上找不到指定的对象。



Check that there is such a measurement on this machine.

Check that you selected the right platform for the monitored machine in the Add Machine dialog box.

Note: When you monitor a Win2000 machine from an NT, some counters may not be available.

Try to delete this measurement and add it again (use the Add Resources dialog box ) (entry point: CFactory::Addmeasurement ).       [MsgId: MMSG-47296]





改为在System Resource Graphs中通过添加Windows Resources的方式添加SQLServer计数器则可以,添加的对象是SQLServer:General Statistics,计数器选User Connections



1) SQLServer资源监控中指标缓存点击率(Cache Hit Ratio),该值越高越好。如果持续低于80%,应考虑增加内存。

2) 如果Full Scans/sec(全表扫描/秒)计数器显示的值比1或2高,则应分析你的查询以确定是否确实需要全表扫描,以及SQL查询是否可以被优化。

3) Number of Deadlocks/sec(死锁的数量/秒):死锁对应用程序的可伸缩性非常有害,并且会导致恶劣的用户体验。该计数器的值必须为0。

4) Lock Requests/sec(锁请求/秒),通过优化查询来减少读取次数,可以减少该计数器的值。




The following table describes the default counters that can be monitored on version 6.5 of the SQL Server:

% Total Processor Time (NT)
 The average percentage of time that all the processors on the system are busy executing non-idle threads. On a multi-processor system, if all processors are always busy, this is 100%, if all processors are 50% busy this is 50% and if 1/4 of the processors are 100% busy this is 25%. It can be viewed as the fraction of the time spent doing useful work. Each processor is assigned an Idle thread in the Idle process which consumes those unproductive processor cycles not used by any other threads.
% Processor Time (Win 2000)
 The percentage of time that the processor is executing a non-idle thread. This counter was designed as a primary indicator of processor activity. It is calculated by measuring the time that the processor spends executing the thread of the idle process in each sample interval, and subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread which consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). It can be viewed as the percentage of the sample interval spent doing useful work. This counter displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time the service was inactive, and then subtracting that value from 100%.
Cache Hit Ratio
 The percentage of time that a requested data page was found in the data cache (instead of being read from disk).
I/O - Batch Writes/sec
 The number of 2K pages written to disk per second, using Batch I/O. The checkpoint thread is the primary user of Batch I/O.
I/O - Lazy Writes/sec
 The number of 2K pages flushed to disk per second by the Lazy Writer.
I/O - Outstanding Reads
 The number of physical reads pending.
I/O - Outstanding Writes
 The number of physical writes pending.
I/O - Page Reads/sec
 The number of physical page reads per second.
I/O - Transactions/sec
 The number of Transact-SQL command batches executed per second.
User Connections
 The number of open user connections.


2、《Performance Monitoring Best Practices》中的MS SQL Server Monitoring部分。

安装LR9.51补丁后可以在C:/Program Files/HP/LoadRunner/help目录中找到Monitoring_BP.pdf文件。






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