delphi open arrays和dynamic arrays区别

来源:互联网 发布:c语言求100以内的质数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:52



I'm trying to resize an array of a certain class passed as an argument, e.g.

However, this raises an error "E2008 Incompatible types".








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Although the syntax is unfortunately very similar, an open array parametershould not be confused with a Delphi dynamic array . Adynamic array is an array that is maintained by Delphi,and of which you can change the size using SetLength . It is declared like:

type TIntegerArray = array of Integer;

Unfortunately, this looks a lot like the syntax used foropen array parameters. But they are not the same . An open array parameter will acceptdynamic arrays like array of Month , but also static arrays like array[0..11]of Month . So in a function with an open array parameter, you can't callSetLengthon the parameter. If you really only want to pass dynamic arrays, you'll haveto declare them separately, and use the type name as parameter type.

TMonthArray = array of Month;  
procedure AllKinds(const Arr: array of Month);
procedure OnlyDyn(Arr: TMonthArray);
Procedure AllKinds will accept static arrays as well as dynamic arrays, 
so SetLength can't be used, since static arrays can't be reallocated. Procedure OnlyDyn will only accept dynamic arrays, so you can 
use SetLength here (this will however use a copy, and not change the original array; if you want to change the length of the original array, 
use var Arr: TMonthArray in the declaration).