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如今繁杂的生活琐事总能搞得人们神经错乱,今天参加N个会议、晚上要准备工作材料、明天又得要去购买点什么、再加上突如其来的重要电话或电子邮件等 等,如果不撕几张便签纸去记一记,肯定会忘这丢那的……但不是每个人都有使用便签纸的习惯,对于整天会面对电脑的同学们来说,如果能把这些易忘的琐事记在 电脑里,像便签纸一样能钉在我们的电脑桌面,并且能随时提醒我们该多好啊!

PNotes 就是一款这样的虚拟便签记事软件,它界面美观、体积小巧,开源,有便携的绿色版本,而且还完全免费!可以说是记忆力间歇性失调人士的好助手呀~话说 X-Force 经常对生活上的琐事“不上心”而被某人骂了不少,这次 PNotes 总算能帮上我的忙了!下面我们一起来看看PNotes吧…… (以下图文部分转自华师傅)

你可以在任何时候把你的突然想起来的一个点子,一件重要或不重要的事,一句经典的话,一件老婆交待的事情,都可以用这个记下来。有了 它,你的代办事项、重要约会、日常行程纪录全都能帖在你的桌面上了。使用PNotes很简单,启动它之后,双击右下角托盘图片中的PNotes,即可弹出 一个小的便签纸,并且进入待编辑状态,如下图:














在这里,你可以设置该便签是提醒一次,还是每天固定时间提醒,或者重复多长时间再提醒,选中相应的单选按钮即可。 最后单击“确定”按钮。


如果我们每次设置某个便签时都要通过右键菜单来操作,那就太麻烦,其实我们可以设定每个操作的快捷键。比如,为“全部隐藏”和“全部显示”操作设置快捷键。  右键单击系统托盘区的图标,在快捷菜单中选择“选项”命令,弹出“选项”对话框,如下图:


切换到“行为”选项卡,单击“快捷键”下拉列表 ,选择“全部显示”,再单击“添加/修改快捷键”按钮,在弹出的对话框中按键盘即可获取快捷键。



如果我们需要查看以前某一个便签,而并不需要把所有的便签都显示出来,这时我们就可以使用自带的管理器来进行管理。  右键单击系统托盘区的图标,在快捷菜单中选择“管理器”命令,打开“管理器”对话框,如下图:




PNotes拥有近12款不同的便签皮肤,足以满足“善变”用户的不同需求,在PNotes的官方网站上还有多种不同的皮肤可供下载的。此外,易于管理和 搜索也是PNotes的亮点。在PNotes管理器中,可以对所有便签进行建组、分类、保存等操作;而利用PNotes的便签搜索功能,则可以对便签的内 容进行查找与替换,可以看的出来,PNotes在管理方面也很尽职。


文件详情: PNotes (桌面便签记事提醒工具)
软件版本: v4.5 免费绿色中文版
文件格式: RAR 压缩包
文件大小: 621 KB
发布日期: 2009.4.15














Managing your day-to-day life is not an easy job to do. There are so many things to concern for - housekeeping, shopping, children... And what about cousin's birthday you always forget or important phone numbers? Undoubtedly your working place is covered with dusty yellow (or blue, or pink) sticky notes. If so - PNotes is right for you. Throw the physical stickies away and replace them with virtual ones on your desktop.

PNotes (Pinned Notes or Portable Notes, use what you prefer) is written entirely in C and Windows API (with Pelles C for Windows IDE) - so it is fast and light-weight.

  • Ease of use - no installation, just unpack the downloaded archive to any location and run PNotes.exe.
  • Portability - PNotes does not require installation, it can be started from any drive (fixed or flash) and leaves no traces on host computer after finishing.
  • Formatting - format and design each note as you wish, using all the advantages of rich text formatting.
  • Skins - there is a variety of skins for PNotes but if you wish, you can run the program in skinless mode, in which case you can stretch notes to any reasonable size.
  • Transparency - you can set notes’ transparency level from opaque to fully transparent. If you enable this feature each note can have its own transparency level.
  • Images - you can add images to notes, making them more expressive.
  • Smilies - besides image files, the set of predefined smilies is at your disposal.
  • Scheduling - use various schedule types to be reminded about significant events by many different ways. Using this feature you may just hide notes and don't worry, you'll be notified in time.
  • Overdue notes tracking - stay alerted even with overdue reminders.
  • Tags - add any number tags to each note for further searching and sorting.
  • Password protection - prevents unauthorized access to program.
  • Encryption - allows all your notes to be stored as encrypted files, so nobody could read their content, even in case you lose your USB stick.
  • Control Panel - this is your central command post. All management is put into effect here.
  • Groups - divide notes into groups of your choice, create new groups and subgroups, control all by mouse click or drag-and-drop.
  • Diary group - special group of notes with its own settings, which allows you to maintain diary-like set.
  • Docking - dock your notes to any side of the screen, forcing them always to be straightened and look like a panel.
  • Searching - search for (or replace) text fragments in all notes, including hidden or in each separate note, or find notes with specified title.
  • Quick search in web - select any word or phrase in note and search for it in web using you preferred search provider.
  • Favorites - access intensively used notes by a single click.
  • Custom fonts - use your custom fonts which are not installed on current machine.
  • E-mailing - send notes via e-mail as mail body text or as attachment to any target with PNotes running and open attached note on target machine.
  • Recycle Bin - you decide how you want to delete the unneeded note: completely or send it to Recycle Bin with ability to restore it later.
  • Backing up - you decide whether to make backup copies for changed notes and what is the deepness of backup levels.
  • Internationalization - PNotes is fully Unicode supported and translated into many languages.
  • Other features - of course there are many other unmentioned features in program, but I suggest you to discover them by yourself, these are delights of any new program, aren't they?

I hope that you will enjoy using PNotes as I enjoy developing it!

