Input and output of iostream.

来源:互联网 发布:黄日华 天龙八部 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 07:33








const char * p = ?;


cout<< static_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *> (p));







#include <iostream>




#include <algorithm>




#include <vector>




#include <string>


string pooh_pals[] = {




"Tigger", "Piglet", "Eeyore", "Rabbit"








int main()








vector<string> ppals( pooh_pals, pooh_pals+4 );




vector<string>::iterator iter = ppals.begin();




vector<string>::iterator iter_end = ppals.end();




cout « "These are Pooh's pals: ";




// copies each element to cout ...




ostream_iterator< string > output( cout, " " );




copy( iter, iter_end, output );




cout « endl;













There are two general conditions under which an istream evaluates to false:




either the end-of-file is read (in which case we have




read correctly all the values contained within the file) or an invalid value has been encountered







#include <algorithm>




#include <string>




#include <vector>




#include <iostream>




int main()








istream_iterator< string > in( cin ), eos ;




vector< string > text ;




// copy the values read from standard input into text




copy( in , eos , back_inserter( text ) ) ;




sort( text.begin() , text.end() ) ;




// remove all duplicate values




vector< string >::iterator it ;




it = unique( text.begin() , text.end() ) ;




text.erase( it , text.end() ) ;




// display the resulting vector




int line_cnt = 1 ;




for ( vector< string >::iterator iter = text.begin();




iter != text.end() ; ++iter , ++line_cnt )




cout « *iter




« ( line_cnt % 9 ? " " : "/n" ) ;




cout « endl;












(For more information, please see ref )


(For more information, please see ref )



ostream out("out.bat");


ostream out("out.bat");



cout = out;









#include <cstdlib> // Declare "system()"



int main()


a > in.txt < out.txt











a > in.txt < out.txt


a > in.txt < out.txt





Replace char * with string

The benefit of string with char *:




   You need not manage memory.










a > in.txt < out.txt

int main()


a > in.txt < out.txt



a > in.txt < out.txt

#include <cstdlib> // Declare "system()"


cout = out;


IO Rederict: 














































const char * p = ?;

