Eclipse 3.1开发计划(转载)

来源:互联网 发布:100到999水仙花数java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 08:15
In planning the next release of the Eclipse Platform, JDT, and PDE, we need to identify the general themes that will serve to guide and
organize the work. Each theme emphasizes a different aspect of the Eclipse platform that is key to its continued growth and success.

The proposed themes are (in no particular order):

(1) Built to last - Eclipse has always been a platform for delivering integrated software tools. With a large and growing base of both free
and commercial offerings based on Eclipse, it's critical for continued success to maintain API stability and ensure that the platform scales
well. This theme includes work to measure and improve the performance of key operations under various loads (number of installed
plug-ins, number of resources in the workspace, etc.). This theme also includes consolidation activities where groundwork was laid
in 3.0 but needs to be completed and brought into full use.

(2) Simple to use - The Eclipse platform needs to not only provide the features that advanced users demand, but also be something that
most users find simple to use. This theme includes ease-of-use reviews of existing features, and work that helps make Eclipse-based
products simple to use for users with widely-varying backgrounds and skill sets.

(3) Rich client platform - The Eclipse RCP is a Java-based application framework for the desktop. Building on the Eclipse runtime and the
modular plug-in story, it is possible to build applications ranging from command line tools to feature-rich applications that take full
advantage of SWT's native platform integration and the many other reusable components that the Eclipse platform provides. This theme
includes work to enhance the RCP, and to provide PDE support for developing and deploying RCP-based applications.

(4) J2SE 5 support - This theme covers work to add full support for J2SE 5 to JDT.

(5) Large-scale development - Large software projects are long-term collaborations involving large teams of developers playing
a variety of roles. In order to be effective for large projects, software tools and processes must fit well into this reality. This theme
includes laying the groundwork in the Eclipse Platform that will enable large teams to make effective use of Eclipse-based products.

(6) Broadening the community - This theme includes work that grows deeper roots into the various OS-specific communities,
spreads Eclipse to additional operating environments, and builds bridges to other open source communities.

Over the next few weeks we need to put together the initial draft of the Eclipse Project 3.1 plan. Component leads should work
with the committers to draw up potential plan items fitting the above themes. While a few plan items may lie outside any of
these themes, most of the work we expect to do for 3.1 should fall under one (or more) of these themes. The PMC will work directly
with the component leads to consolidate and refine their inputs into the initial draft plan, which will be posted to the mailing list as soon as it's ready.