
来源:互联网 发布:局域网端口 rj-45 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:48

      今天复习了下快排和堆排 ,也上网查了下,随便写点,当笔记,以后忘记了就不用再百度了。



       public static void QuickSort(int[] a, int low, int high)        {            if (low < high)            {                int middle = NewGetMiddleSort( a, low, high);                QuickSort( a, low, middle - 1);                QuickSort( a, middle + 1, high);            }        }        //先保存a[low],因为从高的开始比,遇到小的把把a[low]替换掉;然后从小的开始比;         //把大于枢轴的放在右边,小于的放在左边,然后每放一个大的high--,小的Low++;        //low==high的时候是相对枢轴的临界点,把枢轴放上去;        public static int NewGetMiddleSort( int[] a, int low, int high)        {            //Set the key            //If you want to set a[i] as the key,you can exchange the a[low] and a[i]            //value outside the method,and then set the a[low] as the key;            int key = a[low];            while (low < high)            {                while ((low < high) && (a[high] >=key)) high--;                a[low] = a[high];                                while ((low < high) && (a[low] <key)) low++;                a[high] = a[low];                            }            //更新枢轴              a[low] = key;            return low;        }




      堆排,n个元素,从小到大排列的话先建大顶堆;然后每次把根结点与要排序的最后一个结点交换,再重新建 i 个元素的大顶堆;

       //重建大顶堆的时候因为只有根元素发生的变动,所以只要判断根结点和它的孩子的大小,若符合大顶堆,        //则无需重建,若根结点与子结点进行了交换,则需对以该子结点为父结点的树进行检索并使它符合大顶堆               public static void Heap(int[] a, int startRoot,int length)        {            //index from 0;            //左孩子;2*root+1                       int root=startRoot;            for (int j = 2 * root + 1; j < length; j = j * 2+1)            {                if (j + 1 <= length - 1 && a[j + 1] > a[j])                {                    j++;                }                if (a[j] <= a[root])                {                    break;                }                int temp = a[j];                a[j] = a[root];                a[root] = temp;              //由于更换了root的子结点,则以该子结点为父结点的树重新调整;                root = j;            }         }        //length 表示结点个数;        public static void CreateBigHeap(int[] a)        {            int length = a.Length;            for (int i = (length - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i--)            {                Heap(a, i, length);            }        }        public static void HeapSort(int[] a)        {            CreateBigHeap(a);            int temp;            for (int i = a.Length - 1; i >= 1; i--)            {                temp = a[i];                a[i] = a[0];                a[0] = temp;                Heap(a, 0, i);            }        }