Tuning one SQL that is generated by report tool

来源:互联网 发布:网络教育专升本难吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 01:14

Recently, I encoutered one long running SQL which needs 7 minutes to complete.

The sql looks like:


select sum(nvl(T1589240.ACTL_GIV_AMT , 0)) as c1,

          T1590424.ACN as c2, T1590424.NAME as c3,

           … …

          T1589324.PRMTN_SKID as c23

from OPT_ACCT_FDIM T1590424,

        OPT_BUS_UNIT_FDIM T1588960,

        OPT_CAL_MASTR_DIM T1589257 ,

        OPT_PRMTN_FDIM T1589324,

       OPT_BASLN_FCT T1589240

where  ( T1588960.BUS = T1589240.BUS

 and       T1589240.WK_SKID = T1589257.CAL_MASTR_SKID

 and       T1589240.BUS = T1590424.BUS

 and T1589240.BUS = T1589324.BUS

 and T1589240.ACCT_SKID = T1590424.ACCT_SKID

 and T1588960.BUN = :b_h and T1589240.PRMTN_SKID = T1589324.PRMTN_SKID

 and T1589257.FYA = :b_f and T1590424.ACN = :b_c

 and case when T1589324.CORP_PRMTN_TYPE_CODE = :b_ta then 'XXXX' else T1589324.CORP_PRMTN_TYPE_CODE end = 'YYYY' and T1590424.ACN is not null

 and T1589324.PRMTN_LONG_NAME in

(select distinct T1589324.PRMTN_LONG_NAME as c1

 from OPT_ACCT_FDIM T1590424 ,

         OPT_BUS_UNIT_FDIM T1588960,

         OPT_CAL_MASTR_DIM T1589257 ,

         OPT_PRMTN_FDIM T1589324,

         OPT_PRMTN_PROD_FLTR_LKP T1589598

where ( T1588960.BUS = T1589598.BUS

and       T1589257.CAL_MASTR_SKID = T1589598.DATE_SKID

and       T1589598.ACCT_PRMTN_SKID = T1590424.ACCT_SKID

and       T1589324.PRMTN_SKID = T1589598.PRMTN_SKID

and       T1589324.BUS = T1589598.BUS and T1588960.BUN = :b_h

and       T1589257.FYA = :b_f and T1589598.BUS = T1590424.BUS and T1590424.ACN = :b_c

and case when T1589324.CORP_PRMTN_TYPE_CODE = :b_ta then 'XXXX' else T1589324.CORP_PRMTN_TYPE_CODE end = 'YYYY'




group by T1589324.PRMTN_SKID, T1589324.PRMTN_ID, T1589324.PRMTN_NAME, T1589324.SHPMT_END_DATE, T1589324.SHPMT_START_DATE, T1589324.PRMTN_STTUS_CODE, T1589324.APPRV_STTUS_CODE, T1589324.CMMNT_DESC, T1589324.PGM_START_DATE, T1589324.PGM_END_DATE, T1589324.CREAT_DATE, T1589324.APPRV_BY_DESC, T1589324.AUTO_UPDT_GTIN_IND, T1589324.PRMTN_STOP_DATE, T1589324.ACTVY_DETL_POP, T1589324.CNBLN_WK_CNT, T1589324.PRMTN_AVG_POP,…… T1590424.NAME, T1590424.CHANL_TYPE_DESC, T1590424.ACN

order by c23, c2


Please see BAD PLAN in the bottom.


From the execution plan, I don’t think we can get any useful information from it. It’s neither good nor bad.


Then I tested to convert IN operator to logically-equal EXISTS operator.


After rewriting, the SQL ran to end within 40s. And I got the plan. Please see GOOD PLAN in the bottom.


In the good plan, I noticed that CBO just parallized the execution in subquery and used normal table joins to join the outer tables with the result of the subquery.


In my opinion, with the evolution of Oracle, IN and EXISTS have less and less difference ,if there is any. We don’t have to worry about the big and small tables rules to determine to use IN or EXISTS. In most of cases, CBO translates both of them to normal table joins , such as HASH JOIN or NESTED LOOP.


But in some rare cases, especially in extremely complex SQLs, CBO can’t deal with them approriately and needs developer or DBA’s help to use IN or EXISTS explicitly.


It seemed that we were done. However, the reality was not.


The big headache was that the SQL was generated by reporting tool and couldn’t be modified and we didn’t know how to configurate the tool to switch between IN and EXISTS.


And no hint is allowed here because of the regulations.


I knew I have to materialize the subquery to get a better execution plan without hint and rewriting ,at least the rewring that can’t be implemented by tool automatically.


Here I rememebered the trick that ROWNUM keyword forced the materialization of subquery. And I thought reporting tool should give the users the capability to decide how many rows they want to see, which meant ROWNUM>=1 could be achieved by the tool.


This was my motive to test to add ROWNUM>=1 in the IN subquery and the result showed I was correct. The SQL now only needs 10s to complete.


At last, I have to say, if it’s possible, I would rewrite it with EXITST operator rather than materialize the subqery explicitly. Because in the former approach, we don’t ask CBO to do anything special. We leave CBO on its own choice. This is the more scalable way.






| Id  | Operation                                                 |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                          |
|   1 |  PX COORDINATOR                                           |
|   2 |   PX SEND QC (ORDER)                                      |
|   3 |    SORT GROUP BY                                          |
|   4 |     PX RECEIVE                                            |
|   5 |      PX SEND RANGE                                        |
|   6 |       SORT GROUP BY                                       |
|   7 |        VIEW                                               |
|   8 |         HASH UNIQUE                                       |
|   9 |          PX RECEIVE                                       |
|  10 |           PX SEND HASH                                    |
|  11 |            NESTED LOOPS                                   |
|  12 |             NESTED LOOPS                                  |
|  13 |              NESTED LOOPS                                 |
|  14 |               NESTED LOOPS                                |

|  15 |                NESTED LOOPS                               |
|* 16 |                 HASH JOIN                                 |
|  17 |                  BUFFER SORT                              |
|  18 |                   PX RECEIVE                              |
|  19 |                    PX SEND BROADCAST                      |
|  20 |                     NESTED LOOPS                          |
|  21 |                      NESTED LOOPS                         |
|  22 |                       NESTED LOOPS                        |
|  23 |                        NESTED LOOPS                       |
|  24 |                         NESTED LOOPS                      |
|* 25 |                          INDEX RANGE SCAN                 |
|* 26 |                          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID      |
|* 27 |                           INDEX UNIQUE SCAN               |
|  28 |                         PARTITION LIST INLIST             |
|* 29 |                          TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID|
|* 30 |                           INDEX RANGE SCAN                |
|  31 |                        PARTITION LIST INLIST              |
|* 32 |                         TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID |
|  33 |                          BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS      |
|* 34 |                           BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE       |
|* 35 |                       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                   |

|* 36 |                      TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID   |
|  37 |                  PX BLOCK ITERATOR                        |
|  38 |                   TABLE ACCESS FULL                       |
|* 39 |                 TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID        |
|* 40 |                  INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        |
|* 41 |                TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID         |
|* 42 |                 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                         |
|* 43 |               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                 |
|* 44 |                INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                          |
|* 45 |              INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                            |
|* 46 |             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID                   |




| Id  | Operation                                     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                              |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                                |
|*  2 |   FILTER                                      |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                               |
|   4 |     NESTED LOOPS                              |
|   5 |      NESTED LOOPS                             |
|   6 |       NESTED LOOPS                            |
|   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                           |
|*  8 |         INDEX RANGE SCAN                      |
|   9 |         PARTITION LIST INLIST                 |
|* 11 |           INDEX RANGE SCAN                    |
|  12 |        PARTITION LIST INLIST                  |
|  14 |          BITMAP CONVERSION TO ROWIDS          |

|* 15 |           BITMAP INDEX SINGLE VALUE           |
|* 17 |        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                      |
|* 18 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                        |
|* 19 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID               |
|  20 |    PX COORDINATOR                             |
|  21 |     PX SEND QC (RANDOM)                       |
|  22 |      NESTED LOOPS                             |
|  23 |       NESTED LOOPS                            |
|  24 |        NESTED LOOPS                           |
|* 25 |         HASH JOIN                             |
|  26 |          BUFFER SORT                          |
|  27 |           PX RECEIVE                          |
|  28 |            PX SEND BROADCAST                  |
|  29 |             PARTITION LIST INLIST             |
|* 31 |               INDEX RANGE SCAN                |
|  32 |          NESTED LOOPS                         |
|  33 |           BUFFER SORT                         |
|  34 |            PX RECEIVE                         |
|  35 |             PX SEND BROADCAST                 |

|* 36 |              INDEX RANGE SCAN                 |
|  37 |           PX BLOCK ITERATOR                   |
|* 38 |            TABLE ACCESS FULL                  |
|* 40 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                    |
|* 41 |        INDEX UNIQUE SCAN                      |
|* 42 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID             |


