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    看的是Bjarne Stroustrup(C++之父)的The C++ Programming Language, 第三版,Special Edition。感觉每一章末尾的Advice或Suggestion都写的特别实用。Stroustrup不但介绍创造C++的思想,还顺便说了很多和编程有关的感悟.......重新系统的学一遍C++,我就用这本书了......坚持......




Try thinking of a program as a set of interacting concepts represented as classes and objects, instead of as a bunch of data structures with functions twiddling their bits.

1.1 Suggestions for C Programmers
    [1] Macros are almost never necessary in C++. Use const, enum, inline(避免函数调用的额外开销), templates, namespace(避免重名).
    [2] Don`t declare a variable before you need it. Declaration can occur anywhere a statement can, in for-statement or in conditions.(声明可以出现在for语句或判断语句中)
    [3] Don`t use malloc(), realloc(), try vector(可以动态分配存储空间).
    [4] Try to avoid void*, pointer arithmetic, casts.(强制类型转换)
    [5] minimize the use of arrys and c-style strings, but use vector classes .and try not to build yourself what has already been provided by the standard library.

1.2 Thinking about programming in C++
    (1) The key to writing good programs is to design classes
    (2) One of the most powerful intellectual tools for managing complexity is hierarchical ordering
    (3) Virtual functions can often be used to define operations for the most general version of a concept(a base class)
    (4) If two classes have a common interface, make that interface an abstract class.

    (3)虚函数:vitual 声明的 
    (4)纯虚函数:vitual f() = 0声明的, 就是在子类中必须定义的函数




    优秀的编程语言,首先要能够完成功能,其次要做到表达最简,最后是可以用多种方法实现同一个功能,即“what you don`t know won`t hurt you”
