
来源:互联网 发布:sql 行转列 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:11

原型:_PNH _set_new_handler( _PNH pNewHandler );


MSDN解释:Transfer control to your error-handling mechanism if the new operator fails to allocate memory.



实例:In this example, when the allocation fails, control is transferred to MyNewHandler.

The argument passed to MyNewHandler is the number of bytes requested.

The value returned from MyNewHandler is a flag indicating whether allocation should be retried:

a nonzero value indicates that allocation should be retried, and a zero value indicates that allocation has failed.


当内存分配失败的时候,调用MyNewHandler. 传递给MyNewHandler的参数是需要的bytes字节数.





#include <stdio.h>#include <new.h>#define BIG_NUMBER 0x1fffffffint coalesced = 0;int CoalesceHeap(){   coalesced = 1;  // Flag RecurseAlloc to stop    // do some work to free memory   return 0; //表明分配内存失败,程序退出,如果return 1的程序不断的再重新分配内存}// Define a function to be called if new fails to allocate MyNewHandler( size_t size ){   printf("Allocation failed. Coalescing heap./n");   // Call a function to recover some heap space.   return CoalesceHeap();}int RecurseAlloc() {   int *pi = new int[BIG_NUMBER];   if (!coalesced)      RecurseAlloc();   return 0;}int main(){   // Set the failure handler for new to be MyNewHandler.   _set_new_handler( MyNewHandler );   RecurseAlloc();}
