HCI Evaluation

来源:互联网 发布:多米诺a200软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:42

 22:27 2012-05-27 Please see more in UI design framework

Prototyping Methods:
  • Balsamiq Mockups: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/142518310.html

 HCI tests:

  • userability test
  • acceptance test:The centeral goal of acceptance testing is not to detect flaws, but rather to verify addherence to reqirements.
  • field test:I18N,L10N;
  • should adhere to be objective
  • to give measures on the userability of the HCI;

Data capturing(observe or requisition or inquiiry or talk) and statistic analysis;

user and expert;

subjective recommendation and objective observatory;

techniques,tools and platform and environment for the HCI evaluation;

lab vs field;

theory or guidelines;

designers' objective test and users' subjective acceptance test;


quality or quantity measurement;



Expert Evaluation: Heuristic, cognitive walkthrough,model based.

The Golden 8 Principles for UI  of Ben.

10 principles for UI of Nielsen and Molich.


measurement-based or theory-based Evaluation

prototpye based or theory based(With some hypothesis)


precditive or ?.
