使用Eclipse Visual Editor开发GUIs(graphical user interfaces)

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一、(Introducing the Eclipse Visual Editor project) Eclipse Visual Editor简介

Read through any discussion thread on the relative merits of Eclipse and its competitors, and you'll find mention of various features that might be better, worse, or entirely missing in one or the other. Until recently, the one thing that always seemed to come up regarding Eclipse is its lack of a GUI builder: a graphical tool for building GUIs. Happily, this was remedied by the November 2003 launch of the Eclipse Visual Editor Project and the release soon after of Visual Editor V0.5, which allows you to create AWT/Swing applications with a complete WYSIWYG graphical editor.

  仔细阅读与竞争对手相比Eclipse所具有的有点,你会发现这当中涉及到比它的竞争对手或好或坏或者是过失的几个特点。直到今天,Elipse缺少用于图形化开发的GUI工具,仍然被人们所提及。可喜的是,这个缺点在Visual Editor V0.5 问世之后得到了弥补。Visual Editor V0.5允许你完全使用WYSIWYG图形编辑器来构架AWT/Swing程序。


Like Eclipse, Visual Editor is based on a code contribution by IBM®. Developers familiar with the Visual Editor in WebSphere® Studio Application Developer V5.x will find Eclipse's Visual Editor to be nearly identical. To learn how to use Visual Editor, see the WebSphere Studio Visual Editor documentation (see Resources).


     And like many of the other projects under the Eclipse.org umbrella, including Eclipse, the stated goal of the Visual Editor project is quite ambitious: to build a tool for building graphical editing tools. While the initial release's support for AWT/Swing is complete, plans for Visual Editor go far beyond this. The technical underpinnings are being redesigned to be neutral with regard to the programming language and the graphical toolkit supported.
   像其他包括Eclipse在内的许多在属于Eclipse.org组织的项目一样,Visual Editor最开始的目标是非常明确的,就是去创建一个图形化开发工具。并且

In the future, you will see Visual Editor implementations for toolkits other than AWT/Swing, such as SWT, and potentially, implementations for languages other than the Java™ programming language, such as C++. Work on adding SWT support is under way and will be included in Visual Editor V1.0, scheduled to be completed at around the same time as Eclipse V3.0, in mid-2004.








