WS-Man (windows service management) and c#

来源:互联网 发布:晋中市教研网络平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 12:46

I have investigated Windows Service Management several days. And finally I found a way to implement in C#.


First, i'd like to introduce windows remote management.


Windows Remote Management(WinRm) is the microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocal, SOAP-Based, firewall-friendly protocol that allows hardware and operating systems to interoperate.


You can obtain hardware and system data from WS-Management protocol implementations running on operating systems. WinRM establishes a session with a remote computer through the SOAP-based WS-Management protocol. Data returned to WS-Management protocol are formatted in XML.

The following are steps and examples:

1. Create a windows console project. Add WsmAuto.dll (browser it from system disk) to the project. Open Reference node under your project, it has added WSManAutomation item. Right click WSManAutomation item and choose Properties, change “Embed Interop Types” property to False (check this blog for the reason).


2. Create a WSManClass:

WSManClass wsman = new WSManClass();



            //Create an instance of the WsManClass Object

            WSManClass wsmanClass = new WSManClass();


            //Create a session on the current computer

            IWSManSession session = (IWSManSession)wsmanClass.CreateSession(null, 0, null);


            //Create a session on a remote computer

            //IWSManSession session = (IWSManSession)wsmanClass.CreateSession("ConnectionString", 0, null);




            //return a xml string with win32_currenttime information

            String strResult = session.Get("wmi/root/cimv2/win32_currenttime");




            //update resource content

            //return a xml string of all Win32_WMISetting information with modified data

            string strResourceUri = "";

            //It only changes the p:LoggingLevel value

            string newXmlContent = "<p:Win32_WMISetting xmlns:p=/""><p:LoggingLevel>0</p:LoggingLevel></p:Win32_WMISetting>";

            string strResult = session.Put(strResourceUri, newXmlContent, 0);




            //Invokes a method and returns the results of the method call.

            string strResource = "";

            string strInputParameters = "<p:Create_INPUT xmlns:p=/""><p:CommandLine>calc.exe</p:CommandLine></p:Create_INPUT>";

            // start a Caculator application

            string strResult = session.Invoke("Create", strResource, strInputParameters, 0);


            // output

            // <p:Create_OUTPUT xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p="

            //" xmlns:ci

            //m="" xml:lang="en-US">







            ////The Session.Identify method queries a remote computer to determine if it supports the WS-Management protocol.

            ////The following VBScript example sends an unauthenticated Identify request to the remote computer named Remote in the same domain.

            ////set WSMan = CreateObject("Wsman.Automation")

            ////set Session = WSMan.CreateSession("Remote", _


            ////WScript.Echo Session.Identify




            //// return IWSManEnumerate object

            string strResource = "";

            IWSManEnumerator objResult = (IWSManEnumerator)session.Enumerate(strResource);

            ////use filter

            //string strResource01 = "*";

            //string strDialect = "";

            //string strFilter = "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IpEnabled=TRUE";

            //IWSManEnumerator objResult01 = (IWSManEnumerator)session.Enumerate(strResource01,strFilter,strDialect,0);


            //while (!objResult.AtEndOfStream)


            //    Console.WriteLine(objResult.ReadItem());





            string strResource = "*+Transport=HTTP";


            Console.WriteLine(session.Get(strResource, 0));




            string resourceUri = "*+Transport=HTTP";

            string inputXml = "<cfg:Listener xmlns:cfg=/""><cfg:Hostname>GetFQDNName()</cfg:Hostname></cfg:Listener>";

            string strResult = session.Create(resourceUri, inputXml, 0);





Access type




Sets and gets the number of items in each enumeration batch. This value cannot be changed during an enumeration. By default, the default is an unlimited number of items. The resource provider may set a limit.



Gets additional error information in an XML stream.



Sets and gets the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) for the client application to wait.


The c# code is based on VBScript code in the MSDN document. If you have anything unclear, please refer to:


Hope you have a nice day. :)

