sql 实现表的行列转换

来源:互联网 发布:代理记账公司软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:55


create proc EditorWork_AccountByTopicname1--编辑工作按文章内容类型统计各栏目的文章数
@starttime varchar(50),--查询开始时间
@endtime varchar(50)--查询结束时间

declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql='select content_topic_name '
select @sql=@sql+',['+ctname+']=sum(case ctname when '''+ctname+''' then counts else 0 end)' from (select count(a.id) as counts,ctname=isnull(case a.InfoContentType when 1 then '入门' when 2 then '技术' when 3 then '市场' when 4 then '理论研究' when 5 then '产品分析' when 6 then '应用实施' when 7 then '典型案例' end,'ZERO'),b.content_topic_name  from articleinfo a,content_topic b where b.content_topic_id=a.contenttopic and a.contenttopic<>0 and a.addtime<@endtime and a.addtime>@starttime group by InfoContentType,content_topic_name) aa
group by ctname
print @sql
exec(@sql+' from (select count(a.id) as counts,ctname=isnull(case a.InfoContentType when 1 then ''入门'' when 2 then ''技术'' when 3 then ''市场'' when 4 then ''理论研究'' when 5 then ''产品分析'' when 6 then ''应用实施'' when 7 then ''典型案例'' end,''ZERO''),b.content_topic_name from articleinfo a,content_topic b where b.content_topic_id=a.contenttopic and a.contenttopic<>0 and a.addtime<'''+@endtime+''' and a.addtime>'''+@starttime+''' group by InfoContentType,content_topic_name ) aa group by content_topic_name')