
来源:互联网 发布:java接受syslog日志 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:22




一个很抽象的词汇,但当他与SOA联系起来的时候就那么的形象——竖井。以前经常会听到别人谈起实施SOA之前的企业应用,都是竖井式的,自己一直不是很理解这个词,今天浏览白皮书却看到了这个似曾相识的词汇。“the resultant individual silos of business information.”企业的信息化系统像一个个在地上打下的竖井一样,孤独的伫立在那里,毫无联系。这种漫无目的、孤立无援的系统正是SOA架构需要去拯救的。


Service Layers

  • Physical Services: that may represent functions that retrieve data in its raw form
  • Canonical Services:(规范服务) that may define a standard view of information for the organization, leveraging industry-standard formats and supporting a very wide data footprint
  • Logical Services: that provide a more client-specific granular view of information, generated at compile time using highly-optimized queries
  • Application Services: that are consumed directly by applications in a line-of-business dependent fashion and may be exposed through presentation services

ESB key features

  • Web services: support for SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, as well as emerging standards such as WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-Security
  • Messaging: asynchronous store-and-forward delivery with multiple qualities of service
  • Data transformation: XML to XML
  • Content-based routing: publish and subscribe routing across multiple types of sources and destinations
  • Platform-neutral: connect to any technology in the enterprise, e.g. Java, .Net, mainframes, and databases

Oracle Service Bus Functional Features

  • Messaging Layer: that reliably connects any service by leveraging standards web service transports, traditional messaging protocols and configuration of enterprise-specific custom transports.
  • Security Layer: a rapid service configuration and integration environment that abstracts policies associated with routing rules, security, and service end-point access.
  • Composition Layer: a meta-data driven feature-rich configuration interface for service discovery and validation capabilities for automatic import and synchronization of services with UDDI registries, allows message flow modeling, transformations, third-party service callouts and a test console.
  • Management Layer: a service management environment that includes dynamic service and policy configuration, centralized usage and performance monitoring, and management of services - not just Web services, but also Java, .Net, messaging services, and legacy end points.


