ISSUE 69 政府应该少限制科学研究和发展

来源:互联网 发布:数据结构算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 08:37

TOPIC: ISSUE69 - "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"

WORDS: 482            TIME: 01:00:00          DATE: 2011-4-10 0:19:42


Should government place few restrictions on scientific research and development, as the statement suggests? In response to this issue, we need to analyze the proposition comprehensively and systematically. In a sense, I agree insofar as government should place some restrictions on scientific research in some areas such as nuclear power and so on. However, a far more compelling argument can be made that, if government put too much restrictions on scientific research and development, it will disturb the development of the science.


First and foremost, there is no denying the fact that government has the responsibility to place reasonable restriction on the scientific research and development, which can promise most people's benefits in the society. As a typical example, the study of nuclear energy create the nuclear power station which lower the cost of generating electricity and bring benefit to people. However, scientists also develop nuclear weapons with max destruction which is far excellent than conventional weapons. The nuclear weapons has potential danger and will make great catastrophe to people once there is some wars between strong countries break out. Another example is the research of computer virus. This kind of research can lead to the developing of antivirus program and varies kinds of computer virus at the same time. Lots of netizen hate the computer virus because it can make their computer files lost and even the whole machine shut down.


What's more, government should limit research in some areas, or these researches will lose balance. Some kinds of research and development will bring directly profit to related groups such as people study software engineering because if they develop innovative software, they can get directly profits. However, the research in some fields such as astronomy and biology does not have directly profit, so few people will like to devote themselves to the study in these fields without government’s intervene, leading to the lost of the balance of research in different fields.


However, we should also see the harm of too many restrictions of the government on scientific research and development. First of all, it is nearly impossible for the government to make the right judgments on the real value of different kinds of research. For instance, if government bans the research of anatomy, how can the modern medicine science and surgery serve for people’s health? If government limits the development of some new subject such as gene engineering, the innovative subject also can’t develop so quickly and bring so many breakthroughs in modern medicine science.


From the analysis made above, I concede that it is the government should provide a good and free space for the development of science, but also some limits to some special subject in hope of making full advantage of science to promote the finical level of the society. Science is a double-edged sword. Government should place some restrictions on scientific research and development, but the restrictions should have different standard for different subjects.

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