New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record

来源:互联网 发布:思科软件技术培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 10:39

New Harry Potter Book Breaks Sales Record


By Zulima Palacio

Washington, D.C.

24 July 2007


"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" broke sales records in the U.S and in Britain during it first 24 hours on the market. According to the publisher, Scholastic Corporation, the seventh and final book of the series written by J.K. Rowling sold 8.3 million copies in the U.S. on Saturday (July 21st) and 2.65 million copies in Britain.


Children around the world waited in long lines to get a copy of the final book in the Harry Potter series. An executive from the publisher compared the excitement, anticipation and plain hysteria of the book's release to the Beatles' first visit to the U.S.


The new book topped last year's "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" as the fastest-selling book in history.


The Harry Potter series of books, movies and CDs has become a multi-billion dollar franchise. According to Bloomberg, a financial information network, the Harry Potter series has sold more than 325 million books worldwide since 1997, making it the biggest children's book series ever.


Nielsen BookScan says all the figures were provisional and that full and final numbers will be announced later this week. In the meantime, Potter-mania continues in bookstores around the world.




1. hysteria    [his5tiEriE]   n. Excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic. 歇斯底里, 不正常的兴奋, 癔病

2. franchise        [5frAntFaiz] n. A privilege or right officially granted a person or a group by a government, especially: 特权, 公民权

3. provisional      [prE5viVEnl] adj. Provided or serving only for the time being; temporary. 临时的


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 中专升大专的入学考没考上怎么办 小孩摔跤额头出了个包怎么办 小孩摔跤后脑勺出了个包怎么办 结婚后疏于关心老婆寒心了怎么办 江苏取消小高考高二学生怎么办 上海学而思家长陪读听不懂怎么办 高考报名的电话号码填错了怎么办 高考报名用的电话号码变换了怎么办 弟媳妇一个月就大闹一次怎么办 丈夫出轨我亲弟媳妇我怎么办 被山西博大泌尿医院坑了怎么办 家长反应孩子学校受欺负老师怎么办 白色衣服和牛仔裤洗变色了怎么办 生完孩子肚子上的松皮怎么办 xp电脑玩cf进入地图黑屏怎么办 爸妈吵架妈妈走了爸爸哭了该怎么办 总担心旅馆被拍视频传上网怎么办 微博买了猜冠军现在停了怎么办 脸上毛孔大有黑头怎么办小窍门去 进去精神病院出来真的疯了怎么办 房子已过户新业主不交物业费怎么办 村委会欠百姓征地补偿款不给怎么办 因为近亲人人都不看好的婚姻怎么办 碰到工作中特别积极的同事怎么办 丈夫车祸死亡妻子和孩子以后怎么办 丈夫死后妻子改嫁儿子不同意怎么办 满了60岁社保没满15年怎么办 捷豹的dpf灯亮了怎么办 朋友如新直销产品是你该怎么办 传福音接受了却被家人拦阻该怎么办 奶奶出钱由孙子抓奖中奖后怎么办 我不想学车了驾校不同意退学怎么办 2017年大学挂科面临退学怎么办 微信重新登录后东西全没了怎么办 宝宝吃鸡蛋过敏全身起红疹怎么办 180在产蛋鸡因断鸡减产怎么办 住友39熔接机熔接损耗大怎么办 支付宝实名认证刷脸失败怎么办 支付宝注册刷脸不是本人怎么办 小学科学只考88分中学怎么办 收银机关机时才上传数据是怎么办