
来源:互联网 发布:广联达园林预算软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 00:46

1. 添加头文件,库文件

  #include // For CHWRMVibra, HWRMVibraClient.lib

  2. 声明并实例化用于控制振动的成员

  class CVibraControl;

  CVibraControl* iControl;


  iControl = VibraFactory::NewL();



  * DoVibrateL.

  * Called when you want to vibra device

  * @param aDuration Duration of the vibration measured in milliseconds.

  * A value of 0 specifies that the vibration should continue indefinitly

  * and should be stopped with a call to StopVibra.

  * @param aIntensity Intensity of the vibra in decimal is -100 to 100,

  * which shows the percentage of the vibra motor full rotation speed.

  * When intensity is negative, the vibra motor rotates in the negative direction.

  * When intensity is positive, the vibra motor rotates in the positive direction.

  * Value 0 stops the vibra.


  void CVibraTestAppUi::DoVibrateL( TInt aDuration , TInt aIntensity )


  if ( CVibraControl::EVibraModeON == iControl->VibraSettings() ) // get vibration setting in the user profile


  TRAPD(err,iControl->StartVibraL(aDuration, aIntensity));




