得到主机mac ip

来源:互联网 发布:新西兰打工旅行 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 01:25
import java.net.NetworkInterface;import java.net.SocketException;import java.util.Enumeration;public class MacAddress {public static String hexByte(byte b) {String s = "000000" + Integer.toHexString(b);return s.substring(s.length() - 2);}public static String getMAC() {Enumeration<NetworkInterface> el;String mac_s = "";try {el = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();while (el.hasMoreElements()) {byte[] mac = el.nextElement().getHardwareAddress();if (mac == null)continue;mac_s = hexByte(mac[0]) + "-" + hexByte(mac[1]) + "-"+ hexByte(mac[2]) + "-" + hexByte(mac[3]) + "-"+ hexByte(mac[4]) + "-" + hexByte(mac[5]);System.out.println(mac_s + "MAC地址");}} catch (SocketException e1) {e1.printStackTrace();}return mac_s;}public static void main(String[] args) {MacAddress m = new MacAddress();m.getMAC();}}
import java.io.IOException;import java.net.DatagramPacket;import java.net.DatagramSocket;import java.net.InetAddress;/** * 向指定的137端口发出固定格式的查询命令,返回结果中即含有客户端mac地址 *  * @author Administrator * */public class UdpGetClientMac {private String sRemoteAddr;private int iRemotePort = 137;private byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];private DatagramSocket ds = null;public static void main(String[] args) {try {//nbtstat -a mac = new UdpGetClientMac("");String ma = mac.GetRemoteMacAddr();System.out.println(ma);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public UdpGetClientMac(String strAddr) throws Exception {sRemoteAddr = strAddr;ds = new DatagramSocket();}protected final DatagramPacket send(final byte[] bytes) throws IOException {DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(bytes, bytes.length, InetAddress.getByName(sRemoteAddr), iRemotePort);ds.send(dp);return dp;}protected final DatagramPacket receive() throws Exception {DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);ds.receive(dp);return dp;}    // 询问包结构:    // Transaction ID 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x00    // Flags 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x10    // Questions 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x01    // AnswerRRs 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x00    // AuthorityRRs 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x00    // AdditionalRRs 两字节(16位) 0x00 0x00    // Name:array [12..45] 0x20 0x43 0x4B 0x41(30个) 0x00 ;    // Type:NBSTAT 两字节 0x00 0x21    // Class:INET 两字节(16位)0x00 0x01protected byte[] GetQueryCmd() throws Exception {byte[] t_ns = new byte[50];t_ns[0] = 0x00;//transaction[0]t_ns[1] = 0x00;//transaction[1]t_ns[2] = 0x00;//flags[0]t_ns[3] = 0x10;//flags[1]t_ns[4] = 0x00;//questions[0]t_ns[5] = 0x01;//questions[1]t_ns[6] = 0x00;t_ns[7] = 0x00;t_ns[8] = 0x00;t_ns[9] = 0x00;t_ns[10] = 0x00;t_ns[11] = 0x00;t_ns[12] = 0x20;t_ns[13] = 0x43;t_ns[14] = 0x4B;for (int i = 15; i < 45; i++) {t_ns[i] = 0x41;}t_ns[45] = 0x00;t_ns[46] = 0x00;//nbstatt_ns[47] = 0x21;//nbstatt_ns[48] = 0x00;t_ns[49] = 0x01;return t_ns;}    // 表1 “UDP-NetBIOS-NS”应答包的结构及主要字段一览表    // 序号 字段名 长度    // 1 Transaction ID 两字节(16位)    // 2 Flags 两字节(16位)    // 3 Questions 两字节(16位)    // 4 AnswerRRs 两字节(16位)    // 5 AuthorityRRs 两字节(16位)    // 6 AdditionalRRs 两字节(16位)    // 7 Name<Workstation/Redirector> 34字节(272位)    // 8 Type:NBSTAT 两字节(16位)    // 9 Class:INET 两字节(16位)    // 10 Time To Live 四字节(32位)    // 11 Length 两字节(16位)    // 12 Number of name 一个字节(8位),名字长度---56    // NetBIOS Name Info 18×Number Of Name字节--占 这么多的字节    // Unit ID 6字节(48位)-->接下来就是mac地址protected final String GetMacAddr(byte[] brevdata) throws Exception {int i = brevdata[56] * 18 + 56;String sAddr = "";StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(17);for (int j = 1; j < 7; j++) {sAddr = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & brevdata[i + j]);if (sAddr.length() < 2) {sb.append(0);}sb.append(sAddr.toUpperCase());if (j < 6){sb.append(':');}}return sb.toString();}public final void close() {try {ds.close();} catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}}public final String GetRemoteMacAddr() throws Exception {byte[] bqcmd = GetQueryCmd();send(bqcmd);DatagramPacket dp = receive();String smac = GetMacAddr(dp.getData());close();return smac;}
import java.net.InetAddress;  import java.net.UnknownHostException;  public class TestInetAddress {  InetAddress myIpAddress = null;  InetAddress[] myServer = null;  public static void main(String args[]) {  TestInetAddress address = new TestInetAddress();  System.out.println("Your host IP is: " + address.getLocalhostIP());  String domain = "www.edenw.com";  System.out.println("The server domain name is: " + domain);  InetAddress[] array = address.getServerIP(domain);  int count=0;  for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++){  System.out.println("ip "+ i +" "+ address.getServerIP(domain)[i-1]);  count++;  }  System.out.println("IP address total: "+count);  }  /**  * 获得 localhost 的IP地址  * @return  */  public InetAddress getLocalhostIP() {  try {  myIpAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();  } catch (UnknownHostException e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  return (myIpAddress);  }  /**  * 获得某域名的IP地址  * @param domain 域名  * @return  */  public InetAddress[] getServerIP(String domain) {  try {  myServer = InetAddress.getAllByName(domain);  } catch (UnknownHostException e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  return (myServer);  }  }