win7下安装rose2003报错:Error 1904. rose.exe failed to register

来源:互联网 发布:内网管理软件排名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 04:55

今天安装 rational rose 2003 老出现 Error 1904.Module C:/Program Files/Rational/Rose/rose.exe failed to register. HRESULT -1073741819. Contact your support personnel错误,我查了一下 官网上的说法是:

1:Verify what graphic card you are using. There has been an issue with the XP-Matrox G550. You can work around this by restarting the machine in safe mode.
Right-click on My Computer and select Properties
Select the Hardware tab and click Device Manager
Expand the Display adapters and see if you have the XP-Matrox listed

2: Do you have WindowBlinds installed? If so, in order to install Rational® Rose you will need to uninstall WindowBlinds. To verify that this is installed:

3: Do you have AlienGuise installed? If so, you will need to uninstall the product and then install Rational Rose. To verify that this is installed:



 应用程序或 DLL C:/windows/system32/license.dll 为无效的 Windows 映像。请再检测一遍您的安装盘。

    很多时候,需要手动修改Path系统环境变量,将C:/Program   Files/Rational/Common加到Path列表里。    
   若有必要就将Rational公共文件夹里的suite   objects.dll文件,    
   也复制到Rose所在的文件夹(如C:/Program   Files/Rational/Rose)。    
   也复制到Rose所在的文件夹(如C:/Program   Files/Rational/Rose)。   


但是关闭的时候又报: “Mem_BAD_POINTER” 错误、

下载shw32.dll 覆盖原来rose/shw32.dll。这样就ok了、