
来源:互联网 发布:软件测试书籍推荐 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:36



FreeWheel:互联网MRM视频广告投放发布平台: B2B:content owner ->content distributiors

广告应用服务器: 匹配(用户请求和现有广告的匹配)

Log processor: map-reduce(hapdoop),  ETL--->OLAP(数据仓库)
Pusher: OLTP DB cache in memory, Pull from DB, 预处理和数据准备。mmap structured memory dump


 服务的高可靠性: 99.99% uptime
 峰值比: 5:1 peak to Mean.
  1.1 无状态的应用服务器:

  1.2 复制和多层次cache.
   Master->slave读写分离: 避免Master"长"写锁block slave读锁
   Cache的expire time需要认真考虑
   Dot server: 无逻辑的server, 为了避免广告应用服务器集群全部单机造成对外服务失效。
      Dot server对请求返回一个cache的无广告标准输出.

    使用google protocol buffer避免自己定义格式和写parser, 同时binary log减少日志体积,      扩展字段方便

  De-Normalization 反范式, 允许冗余, SQL逻辑简单, 查询性能好, 标准BI工具建模容易
  Pivot: 合并相同key的多行数据到一行, 提高
  Long tail roll up(长尾成一个item)
  提取mysql slow query log多次平均测量值, 每月选择top slow query优化
  InnoDB buffer设置70%机器内存
  不要为了优化而优化, 只有在需要时才考虑:Table partition(分表-垂直分割) and sharding(按客户分库-水平分割)

  系统容量扩展规划: 为峰值预留50%容量, 当系统平均负载>50%, 是扩容的信号。
  N+1 Data center: 数据中心不同地理位置分布,备用ISP和CDN

   1. 应用check live
   2. 服务异常警报: 错误,延时等
   3. 数据库master-slave同步
   4. Slow query日报
   5. 当日业务运营情况日报
  多阶段部署: 建一个和生产环境等比例缩小的Lab, 拓扑结构和生产环境相同, 使用生产环境的真实数据做集成测试。
   分阶段部署, 分批分时升级

  测试: DEV vs QA: 1:1
Netlog: What we learned about scalability & high availability   
 Apache+PHP+eAccelerator+Keepalived(for HA)
 Ngnix+Lighttpd+CDN: static files(css/js/image/photo/video)
 Search: Sphinx, mysql full-text search is very slow.
 DB partitioning(sharding): Divide data on primary key,
  How: Mysql partitioning since 5.1
 Memcached for sessoin/query result/processed data/generated html
   Cache with TTL/Cache forever with invalidate/Cache forever with update

 Global locking: use memcache as locking mechanism
 Flooding detection by useing memcache[很通用的高效flooding判断方法]
  User can only redo action A after a timeout
   a guestbook message can only be posted once every
  2 minutes
  User can not do action A more than X times in T
   only 12 failed login attempts per hour are allowed


Scalability, Availability & Stability Patterns

Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches   
应用架构设计的3个目标: Scale, HA, Performance.

What is scalability for ?
 1. Traffic growth
 2. Dataset growth
 3. Maintainability

Scalability two kinds:
 1. Vertical(get bigger): 有些时候增加一些硬件(内存)的代价要小于重新设计软件或者切分数据

 2. Horizontal(get more)
Share nothing的server容易扩展.

Queuing: with queue, it is easy to parallel in asynchronus method

Database is the toughest part to scale. Dual Intel64 system wtth 16GB+ of RAM can  get you a long way.

Mysql: Master-Master+multi-slave(as hot/hot) is good for HA.
  design schema/access to avoid collision(hashing users to servers)
  No auto-inc columns for hot/hot

Data Federation:
  Simple things first: Vertical partitioning + sharding+ central lookup
Multi-site HA:

GSLB: global server load balancing, easiest are DNS  
