Notes 8.5.1 on the Koala(Notes5.2.1 on ubuntu11.04 windows display error repair)

来源:互联网 发布:知臣女装正品旗舰店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:06


Michael Brown  October 26 2009 03:35:09 AM

I installed Notes 8.5.1 on the release candidate for Ubuntu 9.10, a.k.a. the Karmic Koala, which is an unsupported release for Notes.  (It would be, seeing that it's not even out yet!)

The installation went fine, but I could not get any workspace, home page or replicator page when I started up the client.  Thanks to Michael Strong, who explained how to fix this in a post on LDD.  (NB: his fix is actually for Ubuntu 64-bit, but it worked for me for the 32-bit version by following step 7 only).  You need to replace some libraries in your /opt/ibm/lotus/notes folder with the ones that you can download from this url: (File saved in kendyhj9993 mail box)

Thanks to "Ronny" for posting those libraries.  I don't know who he is and his site's in German.

Extract the four libraries from the .tgz archive file to a temporary folder; let's say that folder is /home/mikey/temp.  Open a console terminal and type:

cd /home/mikey/temp
sudo cp *.* /opt/ibm/lotus/notes

You'll need to type in your superuser password for the second command.  That's copied the files where they need to be, but you now need to set the permissions on them.  The easiest way to do that is to fire up a superuser copy of Nautilus by typing the following in your console terminal window:

gksu nautilus

Careful now; the copy of Nautilus that you just started up can do anything!

Navigate your way to the /opt/ibm/lotus/notes folder and highlight the four files that we need to modify.  These are the four that start with "libg".  With the four files highlighted, right click and choose "Properties"  from the pop-up menu, then switch to the Permissions tab.  You need to modify the permissions so that the root owner has Read & Write access (should be so already) and that the root group and the "Others" both have Read access.  Michael also suggests that the files need to have their Execute bit set, but it worked for me without doing that.

Change library file permissions
