android支持多尺寸屏幕【译】 mulit screen support

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝手机端详情超链接 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 07:00
1. If your application is compiled for Android 1.5 or lower, Android will assume your application was designed to look good on the classic screen size and resolution.

2. If your application is compiled for Android 1.6 or higher, Android assumes that you are properly handling all screen sizes, android执行所谓的“非兼容模式”,以下是一些应该掌握的技巧

Don't Think About Positions, Think About Rules

eg1.   The simplest rules are the fill_parent and wrap_content values for android:layout_width and android:layout_height;
eg2.  The richest environment for easily specifying rules is to use RelativeLayout,
  • Explicitly anchor widgets to the bottom or right side of the screen, rather than hoping they will wind up there courtesy of some other layout
  • Control the distances between widgets that are "connected" (e.g., a label for a field should be to the left of the field) without having to rely on padding or margins

Consider Physical Dimensions

If you have something intrinsically scalable (e.g., a Button) where you had been specifying a size in pixels, you might consider switching to using millimeters (mm) or inches (in) as the unit of measure. 10mm is 10mm regardless of the screen resolution or the screen size. This way, you can ensure that your widget is sized to be finger-friendly, regardless of the number of pixels that might take.


Avoid "Real" Pixels



Choose Scalable Drawables

选择九宫图( nine-patch bitmaps ),以及xml定义的图片(比如GradientDrawable),避免静态图片。

3. 针对以上不能解决的问题,需要创建不同的资源集合
(b)基于密度集合,创建分别以-ldpi, -mdpi, and -hdpi为后缀的资源集合,比如  res/values-hdpi/dimens.xml,是指适合hdpi设备的dimen.xml配置文件;
-small, -normal-large为后缀的资源集合,比如res/layout-large-land/,是指适合大屏幕(如WVGA)的横屏布局;
(d)基于版本集合,创建以-vN(N是对应版本的api级别)格式的资源集合,比如res/drawable-large-v4/,是指大屏幕,android 1.6版本或更新的文件夹。

4. 关于多分辨率多密度的android应用测试
(a)1.6以上,特别是2.0以后模拟环境搭建测试,为了比较准确地模拟真机效果,可以选择AVD Manager,选中“Lauch Options”,选中"Scale display to real size",提供以下信息:

但,由于基于LCD屏幕模拟器的密度一般比真机的密度小, 字体在真机下会比较失真,图片容易变得斑驳等。



