How hard a start should be?

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝付款的安全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 04:48

How hard a start should be? Of cousrse, I don't mean starting this blog, which requires only a few simple steps. I mean start to write a VoIP programme.

Since 1 month ago, I have started. Reading a tutorial, several papers, countless introductions, collecting imformation, packages that might be helpful some day, I thought I did quite a lot before I started. But the fact seemed play a joke with me. At the first step of writing my own programme -- compiling the libraries (exactly, not library--there are more than 5 libraries needed), I was stuck. How could it be possible? Not to mention the ExoSIP and oSIP which give little information on its website, compiling the OpenH323 libraries, which come with a step-by-step instruction, was failed. Then I started my journey of internet searching. Some people encountered the same problem, and asked in some forums, but there is no answer, or say, no useful answer. I was stuck, competely.

I did little since until yesterday. I went to the download page again and found new archives released this month. (In case someone don't know the "new" place, that is Compile....compile....compile..... finally, NO ERROR! IT WORKS! Suddently, even the sky looks so beautiful!

Noted down some tips for those beginners like me:
1. Rember to compile the same project in both pwlib and openh323, that is, if you compile a release project of pwlib, do compile the release project of openh323 too, because of the dependence of the library.
2. Do not forget to add the path of both Lib directories to the environment variable "path", or you will get error while try to execute any programme based on these two libraries.