Blazeds in Flex WebApplication

来源:互联网 发布:网络微笑的符号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:31

  1. Create a FlexBuilder project for each sample application you are interested in. There are several approaches to create a FlexBuilder project for a Flex application that works with BlazeDS. We describe a simple approach here.
  2. Select File>New>Project... in the FlexBuilder menu.
  3. Expand FlexBuilder, select Flex Project and click Next.
  4. Provide a project name. Use the exact name of the sample folder. For example testdrive-remoteobject.
  5. Unzip located in WEB-INF/flex-src to the root folder of your FlexBuilder workspace.
  6. If you unzipped in the root folder of your FlexBuilder workspace, keep the use default location checkbox checked.
  7. Select Web Application as the application type.
  8. Select J2EE as the application server type.
  9. Check Use remote object access service.
  10. Uncheck Create combined Java/Flex project using WTP if this option is available.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Make sure the root folder for LiveCycle Data Services matches the root folder of your BlazeDS web application. If you are using the Tomcat integrated server on Windows, the settings should look similar to this (you may need to adjust the exact folder based on your own settings):
    Root Folder: C:/blazeds-beta1/tomcat/webapps/blazeds-samples
    Root URL: http://localhost:8400/blazeds-samples/
    Context Root: /blazeds-samples
  13. Click Validate Configuration.
  14. Click Finish.