
来源:互联网 发布:java 日志管理系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 04:54


create database longgang;

drop database longgang;

use longgang;

create table student (
user_id int identity primary key not null,
user_name varchar(20) unique not null,
user_sex char(2) default '男' not null,

constraint check_sex check(user_sex = '男' or user_sex = '女')

insert into 
student (user_name,user_sex) values ('张三','男');

insert into student (user_name) values ('李四');

insert into  student values('王五','女',23);

update student set user_sex = '女' 
where user_name = '张三';

delete from student where user_id = 1;

table student add age int default 20 not null;

alter table student add address varchar(50) constraint chack_default default '不详' not null;

alter table student drop column age;

alter table student drop constraint chack_default;
alter table student drop column address;

select *from student;
select *from student where user_sex = '女';
select *from student order by user_sex;

exec sp_helpconstraint student;

alter table student drop constraint check_sex;

alter table student add constraint check_sex check(user_sex = '男' or user_sex = '女');

alter table phone add constraint p_no default '2222' for phone_no with values;
drop table student;

create table phone(
phone_id int identity primary key not null,
phone_no varchar(13) unique not null,
student_id int foreign key references  student(user_id)

insert into phone values ('1111111',1);
insert into phone values ('555555',2);

select *from student,phone where student.user_id = phone.student_id and student.user_id = 1;

create index s_name_sex on student(user_name,user_sex);

drop index student.s_name_sex;

create table #temp (studentName varchar(20),averageMark int);

insert into #temp
  select student1.s_name as studentName,
         avg() as averageMark  from studentExam inner join student1 on studentExam.student_id = student1.s_id
group by studentName;


create table studentExam (
Id int identity primary key not null,
math int default 0 not null,
eligsh int default 0 not null,
chinese int default 0 not null,
student_id int foreign key references student1(s_id)

drop table studentExam;

create table student1(
s_id int identity primary key not null,
s_name varchar(20)

insert into student1 values('张三');
insert into student1 values('李四');
insert into student1 values('王五');

insert into studentExam values(70,60,80,1);
insert into studentExam values(80,90,80,2);
insert into studentExam values(60,60,70,3);

--操作student1 和studentExam
select *from studentExam;
select *from studentExam where math > 70;
select avg(math) from studentExam;

select student_id  as 学号,s_name as 姓名,math as 数学,eligsh as 英语,chinese as 语文 ,
(math + eligsh + chinese)/3 as 平均成绩 from student1,studentExam
where student1.s_id = studentExam.student_id;

select math as 数学,eligsh as 英语,chinese as 语文 from studentExam;

select *from studentExam where (math + eligsh + chinese)/3 > 70;

select *from studentExam order by math desc;
select *from studentExam order by math;

create table emp(
deptno int,
deptavg int
insert into emp values(1,444);
insert into emp values(6,554);
insert into emp values(4,744);
insert into emp values(8,624);
insert into emp values(2,111);
insert into emp values(3,222);

select *from emp;
select *from emp group by deptno; having deptavg > 2222;
select deptno,count(deptavg)数量 from emp group by deptno;
select deptno,avg(deptavg)平均工资 from emp group by deptno having avg(deptavg)>222;

--sum 值的和 
count 个数和

select distinct * into #Tmp from tableName
drop table tableName
select * into tableName from #Tmp
drop table #Tmp