Common Problems with OgreMax 导出时的注意点

来源:互联网 发布:旋转木马js效果带左右 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:40
  • You exported a scene, loaded it in the viewer, and see nothing other than the background color - You can check these things:
    1. Make sure you have created at least one camera in your scene - This ensures there is a camera in an expected location. Otherwise a default camera location and direction will be used, which probably isn't what you want.
    2. Manually set the far clip distance for the cameras - By default, 3DS Max disables manual clipping for cameras, but the exporter always exports them. You must manually set the camera clip distances to include the parts of the scene you wish to see.
    3. If you're using a scene created by someone else, make sure the objects/skeletons/transformations/whatever-else aren't poorly made - You will find lots of 3DS Max scenes floating around on the Internet that were not created with the intent of being exported from 3DS Max and loaded into a graphics engine such as Ogre 3D. Many of these scenes have objects with negative scale transforms, complex bone hierarchies that won't work in Ogre (or any other realtime graphics engine for that matter), or a variety of other problems that no exporter could ever deal with.
  • An animated node moves or rotates in an unpredictable way that does not correspond to the way the animation was authored inside of 3DS Max - This comes as a result of the differing algorithms used in Ogre and 3DS Max when interpolating animations. Some possible solutions:
    1. Assign a linear position and/or rotation controller to the node's transform controller inside of 3DS Max - Linear interpolations are much simpler and more predictable than using spline or spherical interpolations, which is typically the default type of controller used with 3DS Max.
    2. Set a smaller sampling interval for the node animation - More samples result in the exported animation more closely resembling the original.
