oracle 经典查询案例

来源:互联网 发布:ios5.1.1旧版软件助手 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 01:29



01.      查询员工表所有数据,并说明使用*的缺点


 select * from emp;


02. 查询职位(JOB)'PRESIDENT'的员工的工资


select sal from emp where job='PRESIDENT';


03. 查询佣金(COMM)0或为NULL的员工信息


 SQL> select * from emp where nvl(comm,0)=0;


04. 查询入职日期在 1981-5-11981-12-31之间的所有员工信息


select * from emp where hiredate between to_date('1981-5-1','YYYY-MM-DD') and to_date('1981-12-31','YYYY-MM-DD');


select * from emp where hiredate between to_date('1/5/1981') and to_date('31/12/1981');


05. 查询所有名字长度为4的员工的员工编号,姓名


select empno,ename from emp where length(ename)=4;


06. 显示10号部门的所有经理('MANAGER')20号部门的所有职员('CLERK')的详细信息


SQL> select * from emp where (job='MANAGER' and deptno=10) or (deptno=20 and job='CLERK');


07. 显示姓名中没有'L'字的员工的详细信息或含有'SM'字的员工信息 


select * from emp where ename not like '%L%' or ename like '%SM%';


08. 显示各个部门经理('MANAGER')的工资


select sal from emp where job='MANAGER';


09. 显示佣金(COMM)收入比工资(SAL)高的员工的详细信息


select * from emp where nvl(comm,0)>nvl(sal,0);


10. hiredate列看做是员工的生日,求本月过生日的员工(考察知识点:单行函数)


Select * from emp where to_char( hiredate,'mm')=to_char( sysdate,'mm');



11. hiredate列看做是员工的生日,求下月过生日的员工(考察知识点:单行函数)


SQL> select * from emp where to_char( hiredate,'mm')=to_char( add_months(sysdate,1),'mm');


12. 1982年入职的员工(考察知识点:单行函数)


     select * from emp where to_char( hiredate,'YYYY')=1982;


13. 1981年下半年入职的员工(考察知识点:单行函数)


SQL> select * from emp where  to_char( hiredate,'YYYY-MM-DD') between '1981-07-01' and '1981-12-31' ;


14. 1981年各个月入职的的员工个数(考察知识点:组函数)


SQL> select count(*),trunc(hiredate,'month')  from emp where to_char( hiredate,'YYYY')='1981' group by trunc(hiredate,'month') ;




01.      查询各个部门的平均工资


select deptno,avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp group by deptno ;

select deptno,sum(nvl(sal,0)+nvl(comm,0))/count(*) from emp group by deptno;



02. 显示各种职位的最低工资


 select job,min(nvl(sal,0)) from emp group by job;


 03. 按照入职日期由新到旧排列员工信息


SQL> select * from emp order by hiredate desc;


04. 查询员工的基本信息,附加其上级的姓名


SQL> select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.job,t2.ename,t1.hiredate,t1.sal,t1.comm,t1.deptno from emp t1 join emp t2 on t1.mgr=t2.empno;


05. 显示工资比'ALLEN'高的所有员工的姓名和工资


SQL> select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.job,t1.mgr,t1.hiredate,t1.sal,t1.comm,t1.deptno from emp t1 join emp t2 on nvl(t1.sal,0)> nvl

(t2.sal,0) where t2.ename='ALLEN';


06. 显示与'SCOTT'从事相同工作的员工的详细信息


 SQL> select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.job,t1.mgr,t1.hiredate,t1.sal,t1.comm,t1.deptno from emp t1 join emp t2 on t1.job=t2.job where t2.ename='SCOTT';


07. 显示销售部('SALES')员工的姓名  


select ename from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.dname='SALES';


08. 显示与30号部门'MARTIN'员工工资相同的员工的姓名和工资


SQL> select e.* from emp e join emp e1 on e.sal=e1.sal where e.deptno=30 and e1.ename='MARTIN';


09. 查询所有工资高于平均工资(平均工资包括所有员工)的销售人员('SALESMAN')


Select * from emp where sal>(select avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp ) and job='SALESMAN';


10. 显示所有职员的姓名及其所在部门的名称和工资


 SQL> select e.ename,e.sal,d.dname from emp e join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno ;


11. 查询在研发部('RESEARCH')工作员工的编号,姓名,工作部门,工作所在地


 SQL> select e.*, dname,loc from emp e join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno where d.dname='RESEARCH';


12. 查询各个部门的名称和员工人数


       Select deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno;




 Select count(*),job from emp where sal>(select avg(nvl(sal,0)) from emp ) group by job;


14. 查询工资相同的员工的工资和姓名


SQL> select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.job,t1.mgr,t1.hiredate,t1.sal,t1.comm,t1.deptno from emp t1 join emp t2 on t1.sal=t2.sal where t1.empno!=t2.empno ;


15. 查询工资最高的 3名员工信息


 select  *   from   (select  *   from   emp  order   by   nvl(sal,0)  desc)   where  rownum<=3;


16. 按工资进行排名,排名从1开始,工资相同排名相同(如果两人并列第1则没有第2,从第三名继续排)


SQL> select e.*, (select count(*) from emp where nvl(sal,0)> nvl(e.sal,0))+1 rank from emp e order by rank;


17. 求入职日期相同的(年月日相同)的员工


SQL> select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.job,t1.mgr,t1.hiredate,t1.sal,t1.comm,t1.deptno from emp t1 join emp t2 on t1.hiredate=t2.hiredate where t1.empno!=t2.empno ;


18. 查询每个部门的最高工资


 Select max(nvl(sal,0)),deptno from emp group by deptno;


19. 查询每个部门,每种职位的最高工资


select deptno, job, max(nvl(sal,0)) from emp group by deptno,job;


20. 查询每个员工的信息及工资级别(用到表 Salgrade)


SQL> select GRADE,e.* from salgrade , (Select * from emp  ) e where  LOSAL <= nvl(e.sal,0) and nvl(e.sal,0)<=HISAL;


21. 查询工资最高的第 6-10名员工


SQL> select * from (select e.*,rownum as rowno from (select  *   from   emp  order   by   nvl(sal,0)  desc) e) where rowno between 6 and 10;


22. 查询各部门工资最高的员工信息


Select * from emp e,(Select deptno,max(nvl(sal,0)) sa from emp group by deptno) s where;


23. 查询每个部门工资最高的前 2名员工


SQL> select * from emp e where (select count(*) from emp where nvl(sal,0) > nvl(e.sal,0) and e.deptno = deptno) < 2 order by deptno, nvl(sal,0) desc;





24. 查询出有3个以上下属的员工信息




SQL> select * from emp,(select mgr from (select mgr,count(*) from emp group by mgr having count(*)>=3)) s where empno =s.mgr  ;


select * from emp e where (select count(*) from emp where e.empno = mgr) > 2;


25. 查询所有大于本部门平均工资的员工信息() 


select * from emp e where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp where e.deptno=deptno) ;


26. 查询平均工资最高的部门信息


Select * from dept d,(Select deptno from (Select avg(nvl(sal,0)) sal ,deptno from emp group by deptno order by sal desc ) where  rownum<=1) e where d.deptno= e.deptno;


27. 查询大于各部门总工资的平均值的部门信息



select d.*,sumsal from dept d, (select sum(nvl(sal,0)) sumsal, deptno from emp group by deptno) se where se.sumsal >(select avg(sum(nvl(sal,0))) from emp group by deptno) and se.deptno = d.deptno;


28. 查询大于各部门总工资的平均值的部门下的员工信息(考察知识点:子查询,组函数,连接查询)


 select e.*,sumsal from emp e, (select sum(nvl(sal,0)) sumsal, deptno from emp group by deptno) se where se.sumsal >(select avg(sum(nvl(sal,0))) from emp group by deptno) and se.deptno = e.deptno;


29. 查询没有员工的部门信息


SQL> select * from dept where deptno not in(select deptno from emp);


30. 查询用户(users表)huxz所下所有订单编号,下单日期,总价格(orders),并包括订单中的商品数量(orderitem表),名称(product表),价格(product表)


Select pr.PRODUCTNAME,qty,pr.PRODUCTID,orei,od,tp from product pr, (Select QTY qty,PRODUCTID,ore.ORDERID orei,od,tp from orderitem oi, (Select ORDERDATE od, ORDERID  , TOTALPRICE tp from orders where username=(select username from users where username='huxz') ) ore where ore.ORDERID= oi.ORDERID) ori where ori.PRODUCTID=pr.PRODUCTID;


31. 查询100001号商品被哪些顾客(users表)购买过,下单日期(orders),每人购买的数量(orderitem表),购买时的价格(product表)


SelectORDERDATE , TOTALPRICE, ords, qty  from  orders ors,(Select ORDERID, QTY qty, ORDERID ords from orderitem ord,( selectPRICE from product wherePRODUCTID='100001') where ord.PRODUCTID='100001' ) where ors.ORDERID= ords;


32. 查询出哪些商品从未被订购过


select * from product pro left join (select distinct PRODUCTID from orderitem) ord on pro.PRODUCTID=ord.PRODUCTID where ord.PRODUCTID is null;


33. 查询出被订购过 2次以上的商品信息


select p.* from product p where (select count(*) from orderitem where productid = p. productid) >= 2;










01.  tmp表中有如下记录(建表 SQLemp.sql



---------- ----------

2005-05-09 WIN

2005-05-09 WIN

2005-05-09 LOSE

2005-05-09 LOSE

2005-05-10 WIN

2005-05-10 LOSE

2005-05-10 LOSE



RQ               WIN       LOSE

---------- ---------- ----------

2005-05-10         1          2

2005-05-09         2          2

答案:select rq, count(case when shengfu='WIN' then 'WIN' else null end) WIN, count(case when shengfu='LOSE' then 'LOSE' else null end) LOSE from tmp group by rq ;



02.  查询当前月有多少天


答案:SQL> select trunc(add_months(sysdate,1),'month') - trunc(sysdate,'month') from dual;



03.  pages表有四个字段,id, url,title,body。如图:


ID       URL                    TITLE         BODY

--------- ----------- ------------------------- ------

1    新闻         党报评事业单位发绩效工资 砸铁饭碗再砸金饭碗

2     baidu新闻    假唱假演奏最高罚款3000 101日起施行

3    搜索结果 - 网页快4    新闻         垃圾焚烧产生致癌物 专家告诫中国勿重蹈日本覆辙




ID                  CUNT


3          - 网页快照 -类似结果

2                   baidu新闻




答案:select id,body cunt from pages where body like '%baidu%' union all select id,title from pages where title  like '%baidu%' union all select id,url from pages where url like '%baidu%';

ID                  URL




2                   baidu新闻

3          - 网页快照 -类似结果

答案:select id,url from pages where url like '%baidu%' union all select id,title from pages where title  like '%baidu%' union all select id,body cunt from pages where body like '%baidu%';



04.现有 STUDENT(学生), COURSE(课程), SC(成绩),完成以下需求(建表语句在emp.sql


a)  查询选修课程为 web的学员学号和姓名


答案:SQL> Select,s.sid from student s, (Select sid from sc Where cid=(select cid from course where name='web' )) s1 where s.sid=s1.sid;


b) 查询课程编号为 2的学员姓名和单位


答案:select * from student s,(select sid from sc where cid=2) s1 where s.sid=s1.sid;



b)  查询不选修4号课程的学员姓名和单位


答案:SQL> select distinct s.* from student s,(Select sid from sc where cid!=4) s1 where s.sid=s1.sid;



d) 查询选修全部课程的学员姓名和单位


答案:SQL> select * from student where sid=(select sid from sc group by sid having count(*)=(select count(distinct cid) from sc));

e) 查询选修课程超过 3门的学员姓名和单位


答案:SQL> select * from student s,(select sid from sc group by sid having count(*)>3) s1 where s.sid=s1.sid;


f) 找出没有选修过 Teacher LI讲授课程的所有学生姓名


答案:select distinct s1.* from student s1 where s1.sid not in ( select s.sid from sc s,(select distinct cid from course where  TEACHER='Teacher LI') c  where s.cid=c.cid) ;



g) 列出有二门以上(含两门)不及格课程的学生姓名及其平均成绩 


答案:SQL> select s.*,sco from student s,(select distinct sid,avg(SCORE) sco from sc where score<60 group by sid) s1 where s.sid=s1.sid;



h) 列出既学过1号课程,又学过2号课程的所有学生姓名


答案:SQL> select * from student s, (select sid from sc where cid=1) s1 ,(select sid from sc where cid=2) s2 where s.sid=s1.sid and s.sid=s2.sid;


i) 列出1号课成绩比2号课成绩高的所有学生的学号,姓名和 1号课和 2号课的成


答案:select * from student s, (select sid,SCORE from sc where cid=1) s1 ,(select sid,SCORE from sc where cid=2) s2 where s.sid=s1.sid and s.sid=s2.sid and s1.score>s2.score;





a) 连续的编号要求如下格式


    BEGIN        END

---------- ----------

        1          6

        8          9

       11         14

       18         19


答案:Select min(id) begin,max(id) end from test group by id-rownum order by id-rownum


b) 不连续的编号要求如下格式

       BEGIN       END

---------- ----------

        8          9

       11         14

       18         19



答案:SQL> Select min(id) begin,max(id) end from test group by id-rownum having id-rownum!=0 order by id-rownum;







------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

   30          1          4         0          1          0

   20          2          0         0          1          2

   10          1          0         1          1          0


答案:select deptno, count(case when job='CLERK' then 'CLERK' else null end)  CLERK, count(case when job = 'SALESMAN' then 'SALESMAN' else null end) SALESMAN, count(case when job='PRESIDENT' then 'PRESIDENT' else null end) PRESIDENT, count(case when job='MANAGER' then 'MANAGER' else null end) MANAGER, count(case when job='ANALYST' then 'ANALYST' else null end) ANALYST from emp group by deptno;







Job                  10          20       30

------------- ---------- ----------- ---------

                  0          0          1

CLERK             1          2          1

SALESMAN          0          0          4

PRESIDENT         1          0          0

MANAGER           1          1          1

ANALYST           0          2         0



答案:select job , count(case when deptno='10' then '10' else null end) as "10", count(case when deptno='20' then '20' else null end)  as "20",  count(case when deptno='30' then '30' else null end) as "30" from emp group by job;


08.按照如下格式显示 7369号员工的信息


Empno key     value

------------ ------------ ---------------------------

7369   comm

7369    deptno     20    

7369    ename      smith

7369    hiredate   1980-12-17

7369    job             cleak

7369    mgr           7902

7369    sal             800



答案:select empno, 'ENAME' as KEY, ename VALUE from emp where empno = 7369   union  select empno, 'JOB', job from emp where empno = 7369   union  select empno, 'HIREDATE', to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm-dd') a from emp where empno = 7369   union  select empno, 'MGR', to_char(mgr) from emp where empno = 7369   union select empno, 'SAL', to_char(sal) from emp where empno = 7369   union  select empno, 'COMM', to_char(comm) from emp where empno = 7369 union select empno, 'DEPTNO', to_char(deptno) from emp where empno = 7369;