How to Delete a Windows Services with Command?

来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu恢复删除文件夹 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 09:21

If you want to delete a windows services when you can not remove it with your own program, instead of just disabling a service, you can alternatively completely delete the service, This technique can be especially helpfuly if you have installed some piece of software that doesn't uninstall correctly, and leaves and item in the service list.


Important Note: Once you delete a service, it's gone, and it's going to be a pain to add it back, Use with Caution.


Deleting a Service


1. From Services List, you can open it with "service.msc" or Control Panel, select the Service you want to delete, right click the Service item, click the Propertis, at General tab you can got the Service Name, and copy it;


2. Run cmd from Start or Win + R, and input "SC delete "[Service Name]", and then Enter finish delete option;


3. Check the Services List, and Refresh it, you can got what you want;


Note: You should Carefully and figure your problem out before you delete it, because it's very difficult to get them back once you delete it;