Leave my XML file alone in Documentum

来源:互联网 发布:开店软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:19



There are three ways to turn off XML validation while importing or checking in XML files:


1. To permanently turn off XML validation in your repository modify the "format_class" attribute for the "xml" dm_format object.

By default the "format_class" is set to "XML", which is a trigger for DFC XML processing. Removing the value of "format_class" will cause DFC to ignore all XML documents.


Run the following DQL query on your repository to permanently turn off XML validation:

update dm_format object set format_class = " where name = 'xml'


To change this behavior back to the original state and validate XML documents on import run this DQL query:

update dm_format object set format_class = 'XML' where name = 'xml'


NOTE: If your XML documents have errors you will need to change the default application that opens your XML documents. Select an application that does not parse XML such as Notepad.


Warning!! If you use Content Transformation Services you cannot use this technique to turn off XML validation. Select from option 2 or option 3 listed below.


2. If you do not want all XML documents to be ignored then change the file extension to something other than ".xml".


3. To disable XML validation on import add the processing instruction <?dctm xml_app="Ignore"?> to the xml file. This will halt the parsing algorithm.

Every XML application configuration file requires an XML declaration, a prologue, a processing instruction (that instructs the system to exempt this file from being processed by the Default XML Application), and a root element. That is:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE application SYSTEM "config_5.1.dtd">

<?dctm xml_app="Ignore"?>


Therefore the third way to bypass the parser during import or check-in is to add the following line in the XML document after the XML declaration:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?dctm xml_app="Ignore"?>
