hibernate load 和 get 的一点区别

来源:互联网 发布:什么是seo 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 09:16


* Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,

* assuming that the instance exists. This method might return a proxied instance that

* is initialized on-demand, when a non-identifier method is accessed.

* <br><br>

* You should not use this method to determine if an instance exists (use <tt>get()</tt>

* instead). Use this only to retrieve an instance that you assume exists, where non-existence

* would be an actual error.


* @param theClass a persistent class

* @param id a valid identifier of an existing persistent instance of the class

* @return the persistent instance or proxy

* @throws HibernateException


public Object load(Class theClass, Serializable id) throws HibernateException;




* Return the persistent instance of the given entity class with the given identifier,

* or null if there is no such persistent instance. (If the instance is already associated

* with the session, return that instance. This method never returns an uninitialized instance.)


* @param clazz a persistent class

* @param id an identifier

* @return a persistent instance or null

* @throws HibernateException


public Object get(Class clazz, Serializable id) throws HibernateException;

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