MAYA API插件编程--入门篇

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MAYA API插件编程--入门篇

                                                                                                      作者:华文广          日期:2010.11.28



         MAYA上开发自已的插件,你有3种选择,第一种是使用MEL语言开发脚本插件,使用MEL语言来编插件的最大优点是方便易学,MEL代码在MAYA上直接可以运行,不用任何辅助工具,在MAYA2008之前,MAYA的整个界面都是用MEL语言来写的,可见MEL语言也足够的强大,但是毕竟它是一个解析型的脚本言语,而且是一种面向过程的语言,因此,当我人要实现一些高性能的,或者是一些代码量非常大,对像关系非常复杂的功能时,MEL语言就是显得有点力不从心。这时候,你就有了第二种选择,基于C++语言的MAYA API插件,API插件的最大优点是高效,一般来说,用C++来写的API插件要比MEL语言插件运行速度要快10倍以上,试想一下,你如果要对一个有100万面的模型的每条边逐一搜索,用MEL来做,肯定要处理很长时间,但是用C++则可以非常轻松实现,可以说,MAYA的核心就是C++OpenGL构建起来的。但是API插件,也有它的缺点,最大的缺点就是用必须要用C++编程,而C++又偏偏是公认的最难学的语言之一,很多计算机专科毕业的人对它都是一知半解,所以对于多数的美术制作人来说,也只能望而却步了。当然,在MAYA 2008之后,我们又有了第三个选择,那就是Python,这是一个在MELC++之间的折中选择,Python本身它是一种脚本语言,因此它也可以和MEL一样直接在MAYA窗口运行,而且也比较好学,同时时呢,它又拥有C++的面向对像的特性,因此呢,你可以用Python来开发足够复杂的程序。

         可见三种方案,各有所长,没有最好,只有最适合,选用哪种方案,得视实际的需求来定夺。在这里,我详细说一下用如何C++来编写MAYA API插件,只为有这方面需求的朋友提供一个入门级的帮助,当然,前提是你要会C++编程。我们选用的编译环境是Maya 2010Microsoft Visual Studio 2005,要编写MAYA API插件就得用到MAYA的开发包,没默认情况下,MAYA SDK会随MAYA程序一起被安装到相应目录下,如:D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2010/includeD:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2010/lib,对于入门的朋友,可以使用MAYA API插件编程向导MayaPluginWizard2.0,这个向导能快速地都你在VS2005上搭建插件编程框架。打开文件夹D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2010/devkit/pluginwizard,里面有安装说明,安步骤把MayaPluginWizard2.0.zip安装到VS2005中去。值得注意的是Maya 2010的插件工程向导是基于VS2005的,你如果用的是VS2008或其它VS编译器,这个向导安装上去可能没法正确运行,这是因为版本识别问题,你可以用记事本把文件文件MayaPluginWizard.vszMayaPluginWizard/Templates/1033/plugin.vcproj打开,把里面的8.0改为9.0,就可以在VS2008中运行了。





默认情况下,developer Kit location是指向C盘的,如果你的MAYA安装在基它地方,则需要指定相应的MAYA安装路径:






DeclareSimpleCommand( sayHello,"", "2010");

MStatus sayHello::doIt(const MArgList& args )

//  Return Value:

//      MS::kSuccess - command succeeded

//      MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the

//                    MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the

//                    error is caught using a "catch" statement.



    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

    displayInfo("Hello World!");

    // Since this class is derived off of MPxCommand, you can use the

    // inherited methods to return values and set error messages


    setResult( "sayHello command executed!/n" );

    return stat;


我们在doIt()函数中加入一行:displayInfo("Hello World!");

这个对于程序员来说近乎圣经般入门代码。然后进行编译,如果一切顺利,在我们工程的Debug文件夹中就生成了一个叫sayHello.mll文件,这就是一个MAYA插件了,安装MAYA插件也挺简单,把sayHello.mll文件拷贝到D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2010/bin/plug-ins目录下,然后重新打开maya2010,从菜单window->settings/preferences->Plug-In Manager打开插件加载窗口:




久违的Hello World!问候最终是成功地显示。




        打开MayaPluginWizard,新建一个Dependency Graph Node插件




//// Copyright (C) // // File: pluginMain.cpp//// Author: Maya Plug-in Wizard 2.0//#include "halfScaleNodeNode.h"#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )////Description://this method is called when the plug-in is loaded into Maya.  It //registers all of the services that this plug-in provides with //Maya.////Arguments://obj - a handle to the plug-in object (use MFnPlugin to access it)//{ MStatus   status;MFnPlugin plugin( obj, "", "2010", "Any");status = plugin.registerNode( "halfScaleNode", halfScaleNode::id, halfScaleNode::creator,  halfScaleNode::initialize );if (!status) {status.perror("registerNode");return status;}return status;}MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)////Description://this method is called when the plug-in is unloaded from Maya. It //deregisters all of the services that it was providing.////Arguments://obj - a handle to the plug-in object (use MFnPlugin to access it)//{MStatus   status;MFnPlugin plugin( obj );status = plugin.deregisterNode( halfScaleNode::id );if (!status) {status.perror("deregisterNode");return status;}return status;}



#ifndef _halfScaleNodeNode#define _halfScaleNodeNode//// Copyright (C) // // File: halfScaleNodeNode.h//// Dependency Graph Node: halfScaleNode//// Author: Maya Plug-in Wizard 2.0//#include <maya/MPxNode.h>#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>#include <maya/MTypeId.h>  class halfScaleNode : public MPxNode{public:halfScaleNode();virtual~halfScaleNode(); virtual MStatuscompute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data );static  void*creator();static  MStatusinitialize();public:// There needs to be a MObject handle declared for each attribute that// the node will have.  These handles are needed for getting and setting// the values later.//static  MObjectinput;// Example input attributestatic  MObjectoutput;// Example output attribute// The typeid is a unique 32bit indentifier that describes this node.// It is used to save and retrieve nodes of this type from the binary// file format.  If it is not unique, it will cause file IO problems.//staticMTypeIdid;};#endif




//// Copyright (C) // // File: halfScaleNodeNode.cpp//// Dependency Graph Node: halfScaleNode//// Author: Maya Plug-in Wizard 2.0//#include "halfScaleNodeNode.h"#include <maya/MPlug.h>#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>#include <maya/MGlobal.h>// You MUST change this to a unique value!!!  The id is a 32bit value used// to identify this type of node in the binary file format.  ////#error change the following to a unique value and then erase this line MTypeId     halfScaleNode::id( 0x02010 );// Example attributes// MObject     halfScaleNode::input;        MObject     halfScaleNode::output;       halfScaleNode::halfScaleNode() {}halfScaleNode::~halfScaleNode() {}MStatus halfScaleNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )////Description://This method computes the value of the given output plug based//on the values of the input attributes.////Arguments://plug - the plug to compute//data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node//{MStatus returnStatus; // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute.  If this // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return // MS::kUnknownParameter.// if( plug == output ){// Get a handle to the input attribute that we will need for the// computation.  If the value is being supplied via a connection // in the dependency graph, then this call will cause all upstream  // connections to be evaluated so that the correct value is supplied.// MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( input, &returnStatus );if( returnStatus != MS::kSuccess )MGlobal::displayError( "Node halfScaleNode cannot get value\n" );else{// Read the input value from the handle.//float result = inputData.asFloat();result *= 0.5;// Get a handle to the output attribute.  This is similar to the// "inputValue" call above except that no dependency graph // computation will be done as a result of this call.// MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( halfScaleNode::output );// This just copies the input value through to the output.  // outputHandle.set( result );// Mark the destination plug as being clean.  This will prevent the// dependency graph from repeating this calculation until an input // of this node changes.// data.setClean(plug);}} else {return MS::kUnknownParameter;}return MS::kSuccess;}void* halfScaleNode::creator()////Description://this method exists to give Maya a way to create new objects//      of this type. ////Return Value://a new object of this type//{return new halfScaleNode();}MStatus halfScaleNode::initialize()////Description://This method is called to create and initialize all of the attributes//      and attribute dependencies for this node type.  This is only called //once when the node type is registered with Maya.////Return Values://MS::kSuccess//MS::kFailure//{// This sample creates a single input float attribute and a single// output float attribute.//MFnNumericAttribute nAttr;MStatusstat;input = nAttr.create( "input", "in", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );// Attribute will be written to files when this type of node is stored nAttr.setStorable(true);// Attribute is keyable and will show up in the channel box nAttr.setKeyable(true);output = nAttr.create( "output", "out", MFnNumericData::kFloat, 0.0 );// Attribute is read-only because it is an output attributenAttr.setWritable(false);// Attribute will not be written to files when this type of node is storednAttr.setStorable(false);// Add the attributes we have created to the node//stat = addAttribute( input );if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}stat = addAttribute( output );if (!stat) { stat.perror("addAttribute"); return stat;}// Set up a dependency between the input and the output.  This will cause// the output to be marked dirty when the input changes.  The output will// then be recomputed the next time the value of the output is requested.//stat = attributeAffects( input, output );if (!stat) { stat.perror("attributeAffects"); return stat;}return MS::kSuccess;}



我们可以看到,现在的工程代码比刚才的命令插件要复杂多了,除了有对应的halfScaleNode.cpphalfScaleNode.h文件之外,还有一个pluginMain.cpp文件,这是每个MAYA插件的入口,MAYA在加载该结点的时候,会自动运行initializePlugin( MObject obj )函数,因此我们就可以在这里做一些初始化的操作,其中最重要的就是要注册这个maya结点。

status = plugin.registerNode("halfScaleNode", halfScaleNode::id, halfScaleNode::creator,

                                      halfScaleNode::initialize );

if (!status) {


    return status;



// You MUST change this to a unique value!!! The id is a 32bit value used

// to identify this type of node in the binary file format. 

#error change the following to a unique value and then erase this line

MTypeId    halfScaleNode::id( 0x00001 );


//#error change the following to a unique value and then erase this line

MTypeId    halfScaleNode::id( 0x02010 );



接下来我们来详细说一下每个结点的核心运算函数:compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data );前面我们说过,一个结点是由输入接口、输出接口及运算核心组成,这里的运算核心就是compute()函数,而输入输出接口则被封装在MDataBlock& data这个对像里面,我们通过相应的函数,就可以取得输入口和输出口所对应的地址,然后对这些数据进行操作:

MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( input, &returnStatus );

MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( halfScaleNode::output );


float result = inputData.asFloat();


outputHandle.set( result );


float result = inputData.asFloat();

result = result * 0.5;

outputHandle.set( result );




createNode halfScaleNode;

connectAttr halfScaleNode1.output pSphere2.translateX;






    以上,只是简单地介绍了编写MAYA API插件的入门知识,在实际应用中,一个MAYA API插件要比这个复杂得多,一个MAYA结点,它可以包括多个接口,而每个接口可以是各种类型的参数,如,浮点、整型、向量、矩阵等等,甚至可以是一个mesh对像或是一个二维数组。这些,我们都可以在每个结点的initialize()函数中生成和指定。

    为了管理上的方便,我们可以在一个MAYA API插件中包含多个结点和命令,也就是说一个mll文件中可能有多个nodecommand,我们只要把它们都在pluginMain.cpp中的MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )函数进行注册就可以了。

有问题可以给我发邮件 huawenguang@sina.com欢迎交流。