Testing the features required by your application

来源:互联网 发布:手机数据恢复软件免费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:53

from http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html


You can use the aapt tool, included in the Android SDK, to determine how Android Market will filter your application, based on its declared features and permissions. To do so, run aapt with the dump badging command. This causes aapt to parse your application's manifest and apply the same rules as used by Android Market to determine the features that your application requires.

To use the tool, follow these steps:

  1. First, build and export your application as an unsigned .apk. If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, right-click the project and select Android Tools > Export Unsigned Application Package. Select a destination filename and path and click OK.
  2. Next, locate the aapt tool, if it is not already in your PATH. If you are using SDK Tools r8 or higher, you can find aapt in the <SDK>/platform-tools/ directory.

    Note: You must use the version of aapt that is provided for the latest Platform-Tools component available. If you do not have the latest Platform-Tools component, download it using the Android SDK and AVD Manager.

  3. Run aapt using this syntax:

Here's an example of the command output