
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝客拍a发b 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:44

1. Launch the Internet Information Services MMC.

2. Right click on your web site and click properties.

3. In the 'HTTP Headers' tab click 'MIME Types...' button.

4. Add a new MIME type by clicking 'New...' button.

5. In the 'Extension' edit control type (without the quotes) '.tmp'.

6. In the 'MIME type' edit control type (without the quotes) 'temp'.

Or run the following command at command prompt:

%systemdrive%/inetpub/adminscripts/adsutil.vbs set w3svc/1/root/MimeMap .tmp,temp

The above command changes the MIME type for the default web site. For information on changing the MIME types of non-default web sites please refer to "REFERENCES" section.

The above steps will allow .tmp files to be served up by IIS. On a development machine where web project are created this is usually not a security concern.

However if you have .tmp which contain sensitive data which you do not want exposed, you will have to reverse the above 6 steps.

If the mime entry for .tmp file is deleted after creating the project you will receive a http 404 error when you try to reopen the project. So you will haveadd .tmp mime type before you open the project and remove it after opening the project.

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