
来源:互联网 发布:recyclerview添加数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:23
package name.ixr.service;import;import;import;import;import;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Date;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Locale;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Properties;import name.ixr.collector.GroupingCollector;import name.ixr.dao.SearchDao;import name.ixr.util.SqlUtil;import name.ixr.vo.SearchResultSet;import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index;import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store;import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.MultiFieldQueryParser;import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;import org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer;/** * 搜索引擎逻辑 *  * @author IXR */public class SearchService {    private static final String CONF_PATH = ""; // 数据库配置文件    /** 时间格式化(lucene只认识这个格式yyyyMMddHHmmss) */    public static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");    /** 数据库查询工具包 */    private static SqlUtil sqlUtil = null;    /** 索引位置 */    private static File INDEX_DIR = null;        static {        Properties properties = new Properties();        InputStream inputStream = Object.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + CONF_PATH);        try {            properties.load(inputStream);            inputStream.close();        } catch (IOException e) {            System.err.println("数据库配置文件加载失败");        }        try {            sqlUtil = new SqlUtil(properties);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            System.err.println("找不到数据库连接驱动");        }        String path = properties.getProperty("index");        URI dirUri = null;        try {            String starts = "classpath:";            if (path.startsWith(starts)) {                path = path.substring(starts.length());                dirUri = Class.class.getResource("/").toURI();                dirUri = new URI(dirUri.toString() + path);            } else {                dirUri = new URI(path);            }        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {            System.err.println("索引目录构建失败");        }        INDEX_DIR = new File(dirUri);    }        /**     * 删除索引     */    private static void dropIndex() {        for (File file : INDEX_DIR.listFiles()) {            file.delete();        }    }    /**     * 获取索引目录     *      * @return     * @throws IOException     */    private static Directory getDirectory() throws IOException {        return;    }    /**     * 获取分词器     *      * @return     */    private static Analyzer getAnalyzer() {        // StandardAnalyzer,IKAnalyzer        Analyzer analyzer = new IKAnalyzer();        return analyzer;    }    /**     * 添加索引     *      * @param documents     *            要添加的索引文档     *      * @throws CorruptIndexException     * @throws LockObtainFailedException     * @throws IOException     */    private static void addDocument(Document... documents) throws CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException {        IndexWriterConfig indexWriterConfig = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_32, getAnalyzer());        IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(getDirectory(), indexWriterConfig);        for (Document document : documents) {            writer.addDocument(document);        }        writer.optimize();        writer.close();    }    /**     * 更新搜索引擎索引     *      * @throws SQLException     * @throws IOException     * @throws LockObtainFailedException     * @throws CorruptIndexException     * @return     */    public static long updateIndex() throws SQLException, CorruptIndexException, LockObtainFailedException, IOException {        Date beginDate = new Date();        Connection connection = sqlUtil.getConnection();        Statement teamStatement = connection.createStatement();        ResultSet teams = SearchDao.searchTeam(teamStatement);        ResultSetMetaData metaData = teams.getMetaData();        Map<String, String> fieldTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>();        for (int i = 0; i < metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) {            fieldTypeMap.put(metaData.getColumnName(i + 1), metaData.getColumnTypeName(i + 1));        }        List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>();        while ( {            Document document = new Document();            for (String field : fieldTypeMap.keySet()) {                String typeName = fieldTypeMap.get(field);                String value = teams.getString(field);                if ("datetime".equals(typeName)) {                    value = dateFormat.format(teams.getDate(field));                } else {                    value = teams.getString(field);                }                if (value != null) {                    Field dField = null;                    if ("uniqueidentifier".equals(typeName) || "int".equals(typeName) || "decimal".equals(typeName) || "datetime".equals(typeName)) {                        dField = new Field(field, value, Store.YES, Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS);                    } else {                        dField = new Field(field, value, Store.YES, Index.ANALYZED);                    }                    document.add(dField);                }            }            documents.add(document);        }        addDocument(documents.toArray(new Document[0]));        teams.close();        teamStatement.close();        connection.close();        Date endDate = new Date();        return endDate.getTime() - beginDate.getTime();    }    /**     * 按字段搜索     *      * @param fields     *            要搜索的字段集合     * @param keyword     *            要搜索的关键词     * @param sortField     *            排序字段     * @param desc     *            排序正负     * @param group     *            分组字段,如果为空不分组     * @param page     *            页码     * @param size     *            数量     * @throws CorruptIndexException     * @throws IOException     * @throws ParseException     */    private static SearchResultSet search(String[] fields, String keyword, String sortField, boolean desc, String groupField, int page, int size) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException,            ParseException {        Date beginDate = new Date();        SearchResultSet result = new SearchResultSet();        result.setCurrentPage(page);        result.setPageSize(size);        List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>();        IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(getDirectory());        int start = (page - 1) * size;        int end = page * size;        MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_32, fields, getAnalyzer());        Query query = parser.parse(keyword);        int total = 0;        if (groupField != null) {            GroupingCollector groupingCollector = new GroupingCollector(sortField, desc, groupField);  , groupingCollector);            List<Document> s_documents = groupingCollector.getDocuments();            total = s_documents.size();            for (int i = start; i < end && i < total; i++) {                documents.add(s_documents.get(i));            }        } else {            TopDocs topFieldDocs = null;            if (sortField != null) {                topFieldDocs =, end, new Sort(new SortField(sortField, Locale.CANADA, desc)));            } else {                topFieldDocs =, end);            }            total = topFieldDocs.totalHits;            for (int i = start; i < end && i < total; i++) {                documents.add(searcher.doc(topFieldDocs.scoreDocs[i].doc));            }        }        result.setTotalRows(total);        if (total > 0) {            int totalPages = total / size + (total % size > 0 ? 1 : 0);            result.setTotalPages(totalPages);        }        result.setList(documents);        Date endDate = new Date();        result.setHours(endDate.getTime() - beginDate.getTime());        return result;    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        testUpdateIndex();        /*         * testSeachIndex(1); testSeachIndex(2); testSeachIndex(3);         * testSeachIndex(4);         */    }    public static void testSeachIndex(int page) throws Exception {        SearchResultSet resultSet = search(new String[] { "clinename" }, "漓江 AND \"六日\"", "dbgndate", true, null, page, 30);        List<Document> list = resultSet.getList();        System.out.println(String.format("About %s results (%s ms) ", resultSet.getTotalRows(), resultSet.getHours()));        for (Document document : list) {            System.out.println(document.get("dbgndate") + "\t" + document.get("clinename") + "\t" + document.get("ulineid"));        }    }    public static void testUpdateIndex() throws Exception {        dropIndex();        System.out.println("平均耗时:" + updateIndex() + "ms");    }}




package name.ixr.dao;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Statement;/** * 搜索提供的数据 *  * @author IXR */public class SearchDao {    /**     * 查询团队     *      * @param statement     * @return     * @throws SQLException     */    public static ResultSet searchTeam(Statement statement) throws SQLException {        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();        sql.append("select team.uid uid,team.clinename clinename,team.ulineid ulineid ");// t_team        sql.append(",team.cteamcode cteamcode,team.idays idays,team.coptype coptype");// t_team        sql.append(",team.iplanqty-team.ikeepqty-team.iqty remainingseats,team.cnation cnation,team.cstartcity cstartcity ");// t_team        sql.append(",team.dbgndate dbgndate,team.denddate denddate,team.cfeature cfeature ");// t_team        sql.append(",lineprice.nprice nprice,lineprice.nprice1 nprice1 ");// t_line_pricegg        sql.append(",dept.ucorpid ucorpid ");// t_dept        sql.append(",picture.cpicpath cpicpath ");// t_picture        sql.append(",theme.[values] themes ");//t_theme        sql.append(",tag.[values] tags ");//t_tag        sql.append(",knowledge.knowledges knowledges ");//t_knowledge        sql.append("from t_team team ");        sql.append("left join (select picture.ulinkid,max(picture.cpicpath) cpicpath from t_picture picture ");        sql.append("where picture.ctype='线路' and picture.cdisplaytype='查询' group by picture.ulinkid) ");        sql.append("picture on picture.ulinkid=team.ulineid ");        sql.append("left join t_line_price lineprice on lineprice.ulineid=team.ulineid and lineprice.ino=1 ");        sql.append("left join t_dept dept on dept.uid=team.udeptid ");        // themes        sql.append("left join (select * from (select distinct ulinkid ");        sql.append("from t_theme_link)a outer apply(select [values]=");        sql.append("stuff(replace(replace((select t.cname cname from ");        sql.append("t_theme_link u left join t_theme t on u.uthemeid = ");        sql.append("t.uid where u.ulinkid = a.ulinkid for xml auto ), ");        sql.append("'<t cname=\"', ','), '\"/>', '), 1, 1, '))n) ");        sql.append("theme on theme.ulinkid=team.ulineid ");        // tags        sql.append("left join (select * from (select distinct uinfoid ");        sql.append("from t_tag_link)a outer apply(select [values]=");        sql.append("stuff(replace(replace((select t.ctagname ctagname from ");        sql.append("t_tag_link l left join t_tag t on l.utagid = ");        sql.append("t.uid where l.uinfoid = a.uinfoid for xml auto ), ");        sql.append("'<t ctagname=\"', ','), '\"/>', '), 1, 1, '))n) ");        sql.append("tag on tag.uinfoid=team.uid ");        //knowledge        sql.append("left join (");        sql.append("select * from (select distinct ulinkid ");        sql.append("from t_knowledge_link)a outer apply(select [knowledges]=");        sql.append("stuff(replace(replace(replace(replace((select k.uid uid,k.ctitle ctitle,k.cpicpath cpicpath  from ");        sql.append("t_knowledge_link l left join t_knowledge k on l.uknowledgeid = ");        sql.append("k.uid left join t_team_route route on route.uid=l.ulinkid ");        sql.append("where l.ulinkid = a.ulinkid and l.ctype='3' or route.uteamid=a.ulinkid and l.ctype='4' for xml auto ), ");        sql.append("'<k uid=', ',{uid:'), '\"/>', '}'),'ctitle=',',ctitle:'),'cpicpath=',',cpicpath:'), 1, 1, ')");        sql.append(")n) ");        sql.append("knowledge on knowledge.ulinkid=team.uid order by dbgndate");        return statement.executeQuery(sql.toString());    }}

