续:队列的应用 之 M/D/1队列

来源:互联网 发布:春光灿烂猪八戒 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:13

        MD1Queue 是 Queue 客户端 ,你可能使用它来验证这类数学结果。他是基于事件模拟的简单示例:我们产生的事件发生在特定时间,为了事件相应的调整我们的数据结构,模拟当事件出现时,发生了什么。在M/D/1队列中,有两类事件:不是有顾客到达,就是提供顾客服务,因此我们需要维护两个变量:

   · nextService 是下一个服务的时间
   · nextArrival   是下一个到达的时间


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?01./************************************************************************* 02. *  Compilation:  javac MD1Queue.java 03. *  Execution:    java MD1Queue lambda mu 04. *  Dependencies: Queue.java 05. * 06. *  % java MD1Queue .167 .25 07. * 08. *  % java MD1Queue .167 .22 09. *  10. *************************************************************************/  11.  12.public class MD1Queue {   13.  14.    public static void main(String[] args) {   15.        double lambda = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);   // arrival rate   16.        double mu     = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);   // service rate   17.  18.        Histogram hist = new Histogram(60 + 1);  19.        Queue<Double> queue = new Queue<Double>();  20.        StdDraw.setCanvasSize(700, 500);  21.  22.        double nextArrival = StdRandom.exp(lambda);    // time of next arrival   23.        double nextService = nextArrival + 1/mu;       // time of next completed service   24.  25.        while (true) {  26.  27.            // next event is an arrival   28.            while (nextArrival < nextService) {  29.                queue.enqueue(nextArrival);  30.                nextArrival += StdRandom.exp(lambda);  31.            }   32.  33.            // next event is a service completion   34.            double arrival = queue.dequeue();  35.            double wait = nextService - arrival;  36.  37.            // update the histogram   38.            StdDraw.clear();  39.            hist.addDataPoint(Math.min(60,  (int) (Math.round(wait))));  40.            hist.draw();  41.            StdDraw.show(20);  42.  43.            // update the queue   44.            if (queue.isEmpty()) nextService = nextArrival + 1/mu;  45.            else                 nextService = nextService + 1/mu;  46.        }   47.    }   48.}   
01.public class Histogram {  02.    private final double[] freq;   // freq[i] = # occurences of value i   03.    private double max;            // max frequency of any value   04.  05.    public Histogram(int N) {  06.        freq = new double[N];  07.    }  08.  09.    // Add one occurrence of the value i.    10.    public void addDataPoint(int i) {  11.        freq[i]++;   12.        if (freq[i] > max) max = freq[i];   13.    }   14.  15.    // draw (and scale) the histogram.   16.    public void draw() {  17.        StdDraw.setYscale(0, max);  18.        StdStats.plotBars(freq);  19.    }  20.   21.    public static void main(String[] args) {  22.        int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);   // number of coins   23.        int T = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);   // number of trials   24.  25.        // create the histogram   26.        Histogram histogram = new Histogram(N+1);   27.        for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) {  28.            histogram.addDataPoint(Bernoulli.binomial(N));  29.        }  30.  31.        // display using standard draw   32.        StdDraw.setCanvasSize(500, 100);  33.        histogram.draw();  34.    }   35.}   
01.import java.util.Iterator;  02.import java.util.NoSuchElementException;  03.  04.public class Queue<Item> implements Iterable<Item>  05.{  06.    private int N; // number of elements on queue   07.    private Node first; // beginning of queue   08.    private Node last; // end of queue   09.  10.    private class Node  11.    {  12.        private Item item;  13.        private Node next;  14.    }  15.  16.    public Queue()  17.    {  18.        first = null;  19.        last = null;  20.    }  21.  22.    public boolean isEmpty()  23.    {  24.        return first == null;  25.    }  26.  27.    public int length()  28.    {  29.        return N;  30.    }  31.  32.    public void enqueue(Item item)  33.    {  34.        Node x = new Node();  35.        x.item = item;  36.        if (isEmpty())  37.        {  38.            first = x;  39.            last = x;  40.        }  41.        else  42.        {  43.            last.next = x;  44.            last = x;  45.        }  46.        N++;  47.    }  48.  49.    // remove and return the least recently added item   50.    public Item dequeue()  51.    {  52.        if (isEmpty())  53.            throw new RuntimeException("Queue underflow");  54.        Item item = first.item;  55.        first = first.next;  56.        N--;  57.        return item;  58.    }  59.  60.    public Iterator<Item> iterator()  61.    {  62.        return new QueueIterator();  63.    }  64.  65.    // an iterator, doesn't implement remove() since it's optional   66.    private class QueueIterator implements Iterator<Item>  67.    {  68.        private Node current = first;  69.  70.        public boolean hasNext()  71.        {  72.            return current != null;  73.        }  74.  75.        public void remove()  76.        {  77.            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();  78.        }  79.  80.        public Item next()  81.        {  82.            if (!hasNext())  83.                throw new NoSuchElementException();  84.            Item item = current.item;  85.            current = current.next;  86.            return item;  87.        }  88.    }  89.  90.}  

