
来源:互联网 发布:数值型数据库的特点 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 19:57
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <dirent.h>#include <time.h>#define PATHMAX 1024void getdir(char *path);void searchdir(char *path);void statlines(char *filepath);int total = 0;int main(void){    char dirpath[PATHMAX];    clock_t   tick_start,tick_end;     double t;    tick_start=clock();    getdir(dirpath);    searchdir(dirpath);    tick_end=clock();    float dtime= (float)(tick_end-tick_start)/1000/1000;     printf( "Total   time   used:%f   second\n ",dtime);     return 0;}void getdir(char *path){    int i = 0, ch;    printf("Please input the full path of the catalog:");        while (i < PATHMAX && (ch = getchar()) != '\n')        path[i++] = ch;    path[i] = '\0';}void searchdir(char *path){    DIR *dp;    struct dirent *dmsg;    int i=0;       char addpath[PATHMAX] = {'\0'}, *tmpstr;         if ((dp = opendir(path)) == NULL)    {        perror("opendir");        exit(-1);    }    while ((dmsg = readdir(dp)) != NULL)    {        if (!strcmp(dmsg->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(dmsg->d_name, ".."))            continue;        strcpy(addpath, path);        strcat(addpath, "/");        strcat(addpath, dmsg->d_name);        //printf("....%s....",addpath);        if (dmsg->d_type == 4)            searchdir(addpath);        else if (dmsg->d_type == 8)        {            if ((tmpstr = strrchr(dmsg->d_name, '.')) == NULL)                continue;                          // if (!strcmp(tmpstr, ".c") || !strcmp(tmpstr, ".h"))               // statlines(addpath);        }    }    closedir(dp);   }