
来源:互联网 发布:网络语雪梨是什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:34

jersye Guide:

a point in the whole "REST way of thinking".
Short answer: yes, you can only call getEntity once. You need to check the returned HTTP status to know what entity you should get.

On the server side:

  1. When designing a REST API, one should always use appropriate status codes regarding the HTTP RFC.
  2. For that matter, please consider using the ExceptionMapper interface (here's an example with a "NotFoundException"

So, now your server returns either "HTTP status OK - 200" with a User object, or an error status with an error object.

On the client side:

You need to check the return status and adapt your behavior according to the API's a quick and dirty code sample:

ClientResponse response=null;response = webRsrc.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).post(ClientResponse.class,usr);int status = response.getStatus();if (Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode() == status) {  // normal case, you receive your User object  User usr = response.getEntity(User.class);} else {  ErrorResponse err = response.getEntity(ErrorResponse.class);}

NB: depending on the status code returned, this error could be very different (thus needing very different behavior):

  • client error 40X: your client request is wrong
  • server error 500: an unexpected error occured on the server side

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This kind of code could be used to manage Error message or business message in the response :

protected <T> T call(String uri, Class<T> c) throws  BusinessException {    WebResource res = new Client().create().resource(url);    ClientResponse cresp = res.get(ClientResponse.class);    InputStream respIS = cresp.getEntityInputStream();    try {        // Managing business or error response        JAXBContext jCtx = JAXBContext.newInstance(c, BeanError.class);        Object entity = jCtx.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(respIS);        // If the response is an error, throw an exception        if(entity instanceof  BeanError) {            BeanError error = (BeanError) entity;            throw new  BusinessException(error);        // If this not an error, this is the business response        } else {            return (T) entity;        }    } catch (JAXBException e) {        throw(new BusinessException(e));    }}
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