MySQL Cookbook 学习笔记-02

来源:互联网 发布:网络机房装修招聘 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 22:04

3、“分组计算” 和 “全局计算” 同时存在查询中
4、删除一行数据,sequence 列会重新生成吗?
5、sequence 列指定值插入,不是我认为的不能指定值哦!
6、删除最大 sequence 行,对以后插入新行 sequence 值的影响



(Recipe 8.14. Finding Smallest or Largest Summary Values)


mysql> select * from driver_log;+--------+-------+------------+-------+| rec_id | name  | trav_date  | miles |+--------+-------+------------+-------+|      1 | Ben   | 2006-08-30 |   152 ||      2 | Suzi  | 2006-08-29 |   391 ||      3 | Henry | 2006-08-29 |   300 ||      4 | Henry | 2006-08-27 |    96 ||      5 | Ben   | 2006-08-29 |   131 ||      6 | Henry | 2006-08-26 |   115 ||      7 | Suzi  | 2006-09-02 |   502 ||      8 | Henry | 2006-09-01 |   197 ||      9 | Ben   | 2006-09-02 |    79 ||     10 | Henry | 2006-08-30 |   203 |+--------+-------+------------+-------+

MIN(),MAX() 的比较范围是指定的范围(如:全表,各组内,where指定范围),但却不能比较各组值的大小!


mysql> select min(miles), max(miles) from driver_log;+------------+------------+| min(miles) | max(miles) |+------------+------------+|         79 |        502 |+------------+------------+


mysql> select name, min(miles) ,max(miles) from driver_log    -> group by name;+-------+------------+------------+| name  | min(miles) | max(miles) |+-------+------------+------------+| Ben   |         79 |        152 || Henry |         96 |        300 || Suzi  |        391 |        502 |+-------+------------+------------+


mysql> select min(miles), max(miles) from driver_log    -> where trav_date < '2006-09-01';+------------+------------+| min(miles) | max(miles) |+------------+------------+|         96 |        391 |+------------+------------+


mysql> select name , sum(miles) as  total_miles    -> from driver_log    -> group by name    -> order by total_miles desc;+-------+-------------+| name  | total_miles |+-------+-------------+| Henry |         911 || Suzi  |         893 || Ben   |         362 |+-------+-------------+
mysql> select name , sum(miles) as  total_miles    -> from driver_log    -> group by name    -> order by total_miles desc limit 1;+-------+-------------+| name  | total_miles |+-------+-------------+| Henry |         911 |+-------+-------------+


mysql> select left(name,1) as letter, count(*) as count    -> from states    -> group by letter    -> order by count desc;+--------+-------+| letter | count |+--------+-------+| M      |     8 || N      |     8 || I      |     4 || A      |     4 || W      |     4 || O      |     3 || C      |     3 || K      |     2 || S      |     2 || T      |     2 || V      |     2 || L      |     1 || P      |     1 || R      |     1 || U      |     1 || D      |     1 || F      |     1 || G      |     1 || H      |     1 |+--------+-------+


mysql> set @max = (select count(*) from states    -> group by left(name,1) order by count(*) desc limit 1);mysql> select left(name,1) as letter, count(*) as count from states    -> group by letter having count = @max;+--------+-------+| letter | count |+--------+-------+| M      |     8 || N      |     8 |+--------+-------+

mysql> select left(name,1) as letter ,count(*) as count from states    -> group by letter having count =    -> ( select count(*) from states    -> group by left(name,1) order by count(*) desc limit 1);+--------+-------+| letter | count |+--------+-------+| M      |     8 || N      |     8 |+--------+-------+


(Recipe 8.15. Date-Based Summaries)

示例--根据 { year-month }分组

mysql> select concat(year(trav_date), '_' , month(trav_date)) as month_group,    -> count(*) as month_drivers,    -> sum(miles) as month_miles    -> from driver_log group by year(trav_date), month(trav_date);+-------------+---------------+-------------+| month_group | month_drivers | month_miles |+-------------+---------------+-------------+| 2006_8      |             7 |        1388 || 2006_9      |             3 |         778 |+-------------+---------------+-------------+
示例--根据 { year-week }分组

mysql> select yearweek(trav_date) as week_group,    -> count(*) as month_drivers,    -> sum(miles) as month_miles    -> from driver_log group by week_group;+------------+---------------+-------------+| week_group | month_drivers | month_miles |+------------+---------------+-------------+|     200634 |             1 |         115 ||     200635 |             9 |        2051 |+------------+---------------+-------------+

3、“分组计算” 和 “全局计算” 同时存在查询中

(Recipe 8.16. Working with Per-Group and Overall Summary Values Simultaneously)


mysql> select @total := sum(miles) as total_miles from driver_log;+-------------+| total_miles |+-------------+|        2166 |+-------------+mysql> select name,    -> sum(miles) as 'miles/driver',    -> (sum(miles)*100)/@total as 'percent of total miles'    -> from driver_log group by name;+-------+--------------+------------------------+| name  | miles/driver | percent of total miles |+-------+--------------+------------------------+| Ben   |          362 |                16.7128 || Henry |          911 |                42.0591 || Suzi  |          893 |                41.2281 |+-------+--------------+------------------------+

mysql> select name,    -> sum(miles) as 'miles/driver',    -> (sum(miles)*100)/(select sum(miles) from driver_log) as 'total miles'    -> from driver_log group by name;+-------+--------------+-------------+| name  | miles/driver | total miles |+-------+--------------+-------------+| Ben   |          362 |     16.7128 || Henry |          911 |     42.0591 || Suzi  |          893 |     41.2281 |+-------+--------------+-------------+
示例--带条件判断的(having xxx)

( 前两个查询用来演示 )

mysql> select avg(miles) from driver_log;+------------+| avg(miles) |+------------+|   216.6000 |+------------+mysql> select name, avg(miles) as driver_avg from driver_log    -> group by name;+-------+------------+| name  | driver_avg |+-------+------------+| Ben   |   120.6667 || Henry |   182.2000 || Suzi  |   446.5000 |+-------+------------+mysql> select name, avg(miles) as driver_avg from driver_log    -> group by name    -> having driver_avg < (select avg(miles) from driver_log);+-------+------------+| name  | driver_avg |+-------+------------+| Ben   |   120.6667 || Henry |   182.2000 |+-------+------------+

4、删除一行数据,sequence 列会重新生成吗?



+----+-------------------+------------+------------+| id | name              | date       | origin     |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+|  1 | housefly          | 2006-09-10 | kitchen    ||  2 | millipede         | 2006-09-10 | driveway   ||  3 | grasshopper       | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  4 | stink bug         | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  5 | cabbage butterfly | 2006-09-10 | garden     ||  6 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  7 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  8 | millbug           | 2006-09-10 | under rock |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+
删除 id 为2的行:

mysql> delete from insect where id=2;

mysql> select * from insect;+----+-------------------+------------+------------+| id | name              | date       | origin     |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+|  1 | housefly          | 2006-09-10 | kitchen    ||  3 | grasshopper       | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  4 | stink bug         | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  5 | cabbage butterfly | 2006-09-10 | garden     ||  6 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  7 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  8 | millbug           | 2006-09-10 | under rock |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+

5、sequence 列指定值插入,不是我认为的不能指定值哦!

a、id 重复,报错

b、id 不重复,可以插入!


mysql> insert into insect (id, name, date, origin) values (1,'test','2011-08-25','test');ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
id 不重复演示——插入比当前sequence 值最大还大的值

mysql> insert into insect (id, name, date, origin) values (20,'test','2011-08-25','test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)mysql> select * from insect;+----+-------------------+------------+------------+| id | name              | date       | origin     |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+|  1 | housefly          | 2006-09-10 | kitchen    ||  3 | grasshopper       | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  4 | stink bug         | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  5 | cabbage butterfly | 2006-09-10 | garden     ||  6 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  7 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  8 | millbug           | 2006-09-10 | under rock || 20 | test              | 2011-08-25 | test       |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+
id 不重复演示——补上被删除的行(id 为2)

mysql> insert into insect (id, name, date, origin) values (2,'test','2011-08-25','test');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)mysql> select * from insect;+----+-------------------+------------+------------+| id | name              | date       | origin     |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+|  1 | housefly          | 2006-09-10 | kitchen    ||  2 | test              | 2011-08-25 | test       ||  3 | grasshopper       | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  4 | stink bug         | 2006-09-10 | front yard ||  5 | cabbage butterfly | 2006-09-10 | garden     ||  6 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  7 | ant               | 2006-09-10 | back yard  ||  8 | millbug           | 2006-09-10 | under rock || 20 | test              | 2011-08-25 | test       |+----+-------------------+------------+------------+

6、删除最大 sequence 行,对以后插入新行 sequence 值的影响

(Recipe 11.3. The Effect of Row Deletions on Sequence Generation)

a、DBD engine,下一个序列值是当前最大序列值加1(例如删掉 id 为20,下次插入即为9)

b、MyISAM or InnoDB  engine,永远不重复(例如删掉 id 为20,下次插入即为21)

查看表的 engine——示例

mysql> select engine from information_schema.tables    -> where table_schema = 'cookbook' and table_name = 'insect';+--------+| engine |+--------+| InnoDB |+--------+


(Recipe 11.4. Retrieving Sequence Values)

Server-side—— select last_insert_id()示例

mysql> insert into insect(name,date,origin)    -> values('testLastInsert', '2011-08-25', 'testLastInsert');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)mysql> select last_insert_id();+------------------+| last_insert_id() |+------------------+|               21 |+------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select * from insect where id=last_insert_id();+----+----------------+------------+----------------+| id | name           | date       | origin         |+----+----------------+------------+----------------+| 21 | testLastInsert | 2011-08-25 | testLastInsert |+----+----------------+------------+----------------+
LAST_INSERT_ID() 能保证在多用户多线程操作下获取的序列值是正确的(即,当前connection 最后插入行的序列值),因为它和底层的connection 关联。


//StatementStatement s = conn.createStatement ();s.executeUpdate ("INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin) VALUES('moth','2006-09-14','windowsill')");long seq = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Statement) s).getLastInsertID ();s.close ();//PreparedStatementPreparedStatement s = conn.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO insect (name,date,origin) VALUES('moth','2006-09-14','windowsill')");s.executeUpdate ();long seq = ((com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement) s).getLastInsertID ();s.close ();


For MyISAM or InnoDB tables

mysql> CREATE TABLE t    -> (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id))    -> AUTO_INCREMENT = 100;mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> SELECT id FROM t ORDER BY id;+-----+| id  |+-----+| 100 || 101 || 102 |+-----+

mysql> CREATE TABLE t    -> (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id));mysql> ALTER TABLE t AUTO_INCREMENT = 100;mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> SELECT id FROM t ORDER BY id;+-----+| id  |+-----+| 100 || 101 || 102 |+-----+
To start a sequence at n for storage engines other than MyISAM or InnoDB, you can use a trick: insert a "fake" row with sequence value n -1, and then delete it after inserting one or more "real" rows. The following example illustrates how to start a sequence at 100 for a BDB table:

mysql> CREATE TABLE t    -> (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (id))    -> ENGINE = BDB;mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(99);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> INSERT INTO t (id) VALUES(NULL);mysql> DELETE FROM t WHERE id = 99;mysql> SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY id;+-----+| id  |+-----+| 100 || 101 || 102 |+-----+


(Recipe 11.11. Using an AUTO_INCREMENT Column to Create Multiple Sequences)

注意:只适合 engine 为 MyISAM 和 BDB

创建时注意指定表的 engine,因为我的默认为 InnoDB

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bug;CREATE TABLE bug(  id      INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  name    VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, # type of bug  date    DATE NOT NULL,        # date collected  origin  VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, # where collected  PRIMARY KEY (name, id))engine=myisam;INSERT INTO bug (name,date,origin) VALUES('ant','2006-10-07','kitchen'),('millipede','2006-10-07','basement'),('beetle','2006-10-07','basement'),('ant','2006-10-07','front yard'),('ant','2006-10-07','front yard'),('honeybee','2006-10-08','back yard'),('cricket','2006-10-08','garage'),('beetle','2006-10-08','front yard'),('termite','2006-10-09','kitchen woodwork'),('cricket','2006-10-10','basement'),('termite','2006-10-11','bathroom woodwork'),('honeybee','2006-10-11','garden'),('cricket','2006-10-11','garden'),('ant','2006-10-11','garden');

a、AUTO_INCREMENT 列必须是定义索引的最后一个(如:PRIMARY  KEY  (name, id)),主键是强制索引


mysql> SELECT * FROM bug ORDER BY name, id;+----+-----------+------------+-------------------+| id | name      | date       | origin            |+----+-----------+------------+-------------------+|  1 | ant       | 2006-10-07 | kitchen           ||  2 | ant       | 2006-10-07 | front yard        ||  3 | ant       | 2006-10-07 | front yard        ||  4 | ant       | 2006-10-11 | garden            ||  1 | beetle    | 2006-10-07 | basement          ||  2 | beetle    | 2006-10-08 | front yard        ||  1 | cricket   | 2006-10-08 | garage            ||  2 | cricket   | 2006-10-10 | basement          ||  3 | cricket   | 2006-10-11 | garden            ||  1 | honeybee  | 2006-10-08 | back yard         ||  2 | honeybee  | 2006-10-11 | garden            ||  1 | millipede | 2006-10-07 | basement          ||  1 | termite   | 2006-10-09 | kitchen woodwork  ||  2 | termite   | 2006-10-11 | bathroom woodwork |+----+-----------+------------+-------------------+

CREATE TABLE housewares(  category    VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,  serial      INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  country     VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,  description VARCHAR(255),  PRIMARY KEY (category, country, serial));

mysql> ALTER TABLE housewares    -> ADD category VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL FIRST,    -> ADD serial INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT AFTER category,    -> ADD country VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL AFTER serial,    -> ADD PRIMARY KEY (category, country, serial);mysql> UPDATE housewares SET category = LEFT(id,3);mysql> UPDATE housewares SET serial = MID(id,4,5);mysql> UPDATE housewares SET country = RIGHT(id,2);mysql> ALTER TABLE housewares DROP id;mysql> SELECT * FROM housewares;+----------+--------+---------+------------------+| category | serial | country | description      |+----------+--------+---------+------------------+| DIN      |  40672 | US      | dining table     || KIT      |    372 | UK      | garbage disposal || KIT      |   1729 | JP      | microwave oven   || BED      |     38 | SG      | bedside lamp     || BTH      |    485 | US      | shower stall     || BTH      |    415 | JP      | lavatory         |+----------+--------+---------+------------------+

mysql> SELECT category, serial, country,    -> CONCAT(category,LPAD(serial,5,'0'),country) AS id    -> FROM housewares ORDER BY category, country, serial;+----------+--------+---------+------------+| category | serial | country | id         |+----------+--------+---------+------------+| BED      |     38 | SG      | BED00038SG || BTH      |    415 | JP      | BTH00415JP || BTH      |    485 | US      | BTH00485US || DIN      |  40672 | US      | DIN40672US || KIT      |   1729 | JP      | KIT01729JP || KIT      |    372 | UK      | KIT00372UK |+----------+--------+---------+------------+
或修改 serial 的宽度为5,然后再直接连接排序

mysql> SELECT category, serial, country,    -> CONCAT(category,serial,country) AS id    -> FROM housewares ORDER BY category, country, serial;+----------+--------+---------+------------+| category | serial | country | id         |+----------+--------+---------+------------+| BED      |  00038 | SG      | BED00038SG || BTH      |  00415 | JP      | BTH00415JP || BTH      |  00485 | US      | BTH00485US || DIN      |  40672 | US      | DIN40672US || KIT      |  01729 | JP      | KIT01729JP || KIT      |  00372 | UK      | KIT00372UK |+----------+--------+---------+------------+

CREATE FUNCTION houseware_id(category VARCHAR(3),                             serial INT UNSIGNED,                             country VARCHAR(2))RETURNS VARCHAR(10) DETERMINISTICRETURN CONCAT(category,LPAD(serial,5,'0'),country);
mysql> SELECT category, serial, country,    -> houseware_id(category,serial,country) AS id    -> FROM housewares;+----------+--------+---------+------------+| category | serial | country | id         |+----------+--------+---------+------------+| BED      | 38     | SG      | BED00038SG || BTH      | 415    | JP      | BTH00415JP || BTH      | 485    | US      | BTH00485US || DIN      | 40672  | US      | DIN40672US || KIT      | 1729   | JP      | KIT01729JP || KIT      | 372    | UK      | KIT00372UK |+----------+--------+---------+------------+


(Recipe 11.14. Using Sequence Generators as Counters)

CREATE TABLE booksales(  title   VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,   # book title  copies  INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  # number of copies sold  PRIMARY KEY (title));
a、一般的做法:初始化设置为0,以后更新时加 1。

INSERT INTO booksales (title,copies) VALUES('The Greater Trumps',0);UPDATE booksales SET copies = copies+1 WHERE title = 'The Greater Trumps';

INSERT INTO booksales (title,copies)  VALUES('The Greater Trumps',1)  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE copies = copies+1;

SELECT copies FROM booksales WHERE title = 'The Greater Trumps';

在多用户多线程的情况下,用户A 完成更新在取值查询开始前,用户B执行了更新,这样用户A 查询的数据就错误了!
修改:使用LAST_INSERT_ID(expr) 函数,保证数据一致性

INSERT INTO booksales (title,copies)  VALUES('The Greater Trumps',LAST_INSERT_ID(1))  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE copies = LAST_INSERT_ID(copies+1);




Statement s = conn.createStatement ();s.executeUpdate (      "INSERT INTO booksales (title,copies)"    + " VALUES('The Greater Trumps',LAST_INSERT_ID(1))"    + " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE copies = LAST_INSERT_ID(copies+1)");long count = ((com.mysql.jdbc.Statement) s).getLastInsertID ();s.close ();