来源:互联网 发布:闲鱼卖家淘宝介入流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 14:28

XMPP Specs

The base specifications of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) formalize the core protocols developed within the Jabber open-source community in 1999. They were produced by the IETF's XMPP Working Group and published as RFCs in October, 2004.

Note: Only the ASCII version is normative!

RFC Short Name Formats Description RFC 3920 XMPP Core Text | HTML XML streams, SASL, TLS, stringprep profiles, stanza semantics RFC 3921 XMPP IM Text | HTML XMPP extensions for basic instant messaging and presence RFC 3922 XMPP CPIM Text | HTML Mapping XMPP to the IETF's CPIM specifications RFC 3923 XMPP E2E Text | HTML End-to-end signing and object encryption for XMPP

Many XMPP extensions are defined in the JEP series produced by the Jabber Software Foundation, and several XMPP-related Internet-Drafts are currently under consideration within the IETF.

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