Nucleus源代码分析 - Task(2)

来源:互联网 发布:js储存key和value 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 18:50

Nucleus Task的中断与恢复


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  1. INT_IRQ  
  2. STMDB   sp!,{r0-r5}                 ; Save a1-a4 on temporary IRQ stack  
  3. MRS     a1,spsr                     ; check for the IRQ bug:  
  4. TST     a1,#080h                    ; if the I - flag is set,  
  5. BNE     IRQBUG                      ; then postpone execution of this IRQ  
  6. SUB     r4,lr,#4                    ; Save IRQ's lr (return address)  
  7. <strong>注意r4的内容lr-4(被中断的PC,-4是因为ARM放入的是下一条指令+4)</strong>  
  8. BL      _TCT_Interrupt_Context_Save ; Call context save routine  
  9. BL      _IQ_IRQ_isr             ; Call  int. service routine  
  10. B       _TCT_Interrupt_Context_Restore  
  12. ;BUG correction 2nd part  ------------------  
  13. IRQBUG: LDMFD  sp!,{r0-r5}                  ; return from interrup. Fix for locosto reset problem. We have pushed 6 regs and popping 4.  
  14. SUBS   pc,r14,#4  
  15. ;BUG correction 2nd part end  --------------  


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  1. ;VOID  TCT_Interrupt_Context_Save(vector)  

.def _TCT_Interrupt_Context_Save
LDR r1,TCT_Int_Count ; Pickup address of interrupt count
LDR r2,[r1] ; Pickup interrupt counter
ADD r2,r2,#1 ; Add 1 to interrupt counter
STR r2,[r1] ; Store new interrupt counter value
CMP r2,#1 ; Is this first interrupt?
BNE TCT_Nested_Save ; If not first interrupt, do nested save


; Check for a special nested case. A special nested case occurs when
; a second interrupt goes off before TCT_Int_Count is incremented.


B TCT_Normal_Save



; Determine if a thread was interrupted.

LDR r1,TCT_Current_Thread1 ; Pickup current thread ptr address
LDR r1,[r1] ; Pickup the current thread pointer
CMP r1,#0 ; Is it NU_NULL?
BEQ TCT_Idle_Context_Save ; If no, no real save is necessary
MOV r1,sp ; Put the exception sp into r1
MOV r2,lr ; Move the return address for the caller
; of this function into r2
MRS r3,spsr ; Put the exception spsr into r3

; Adjust the exception stack pointer for future exceptions
24是因为 STMDB sp!,{r0-r5} ?
ADD sp,sp,#24 ; sp will point to interrupt mask register(s)

; Switch CPU modes to save context on thread’s stack
MRS r5,CPSR ; Pickup the current CPSR
BIC r5,r5,#MODE_MASK ; Clear the mode bits
ORR r5,r5,#SUP_MODE ; Change to supervisor mode (SVC)
MSR CPSR,r5 ; Switch modes
; Store the thread’s sp into r5 so the sp can be saved as is

MOV r5,sp

; Save the exception return address on the stack (PC)
R4就是我们在irq模式下的那个放pc的r4,ARM的R0-R7寄存器是unbanked register,也就是说各个模式下都是同一个寄存器。
STMDB r5!,{r4}
; Save r6-r14 on stack

STMDB r5!,{r6-r14}
; Switch back to using sp now that the original sp has been saved.

MOV sp,r5

; Get r0-r5 off exception stack and save on thread’s stack

LDMIA r1!,{r5-r10}
STMDB sp!,{r5-r10}
; Save the SPSR on the system stack (CPSR)

STMDB sp!,{r3}

; Save stack type to the task stack (1=interrupt stack)
MOV r1,#1
STMDB sp!,{r1}

; Save the thread’s stack pointer in the control block.
LDR r1,TCT_Current_Thread1 ; Pickup current thread ptr address
LDR r3,[r1] ; Pickup current thread pointer
STR sp,[r3, #TC_STACK_POINTER] ; Save stack pointer

; Switch to the system stack / system stack limit
LDR r1,TCT_System_Stack ; Pickup address of stack pointer
LDR r3,TCT_System_Limit1 ; Pickup address of stack limit ptr
LDR sp,[r1] ; Switch to system stack
LDR r10,[r3] ; Setup system stack limit


; Return to caller ISR.

BX r2



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  1. BL      _IQ_IRQ_isr             ; Call  int. service routine  


  1. B       _TCT_Interrupt_Context_Restore  

;VOID TCT_Interrupt_Context_Restore(VOID)

.def _TCT_Interrupt_Context_Restore
LDR r0,TCT_Current_Thread1 ; Pickup current thread ptr address
LDR r0,[r0] ; Pickup current thread pointer
CMP r0,#0 ; Determine if a thread is active
BEQ TCT_Nested_Restore ; If not, just do a nested restore

; A thread was active during this special situation
; Switch to this thread’s stack


; Adjust the SP below the stack type

ADD sp,sp,#4

LDR r1,[sp], #4 ; Pickup the saved CPSR

MSR SPSR,r1 ; Place into saved SPSR

; Return to the point of interrupt.
LDMIA sp,{r0-r15}^
