查看 Oracle 数据库锁和解锁的方法

来源:互联网 发布:无间道系列知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 00:42
-- 查看数据库锁明细select a.sid, b.serial#, b.username, b.osuser, b.machine, b.program, c.object_name,d.spid,       decode(a.type,              'mr', 'media recovery',              'rt','redo thread',              'un','user name',              'tx', 'transaction',              'tm', 'dml',              'ul', 'pl/sql user lock',              'dx', 'distributed xaction',              'cf', 'control file',              'is', 'instance state',              'fs', 'file set',              'ir', 'instance recovery',              'st', 'disk space transaction',              'ts', 'temp segment',              'iv', 'library cache invalida-tion',              'ls', 'log start or switch',              'rw', 'row wait',              'sq', 'sequence number',              'te', 'extend table',              'tt', 'temp table',              'unknown') locktype,       decode(a.lmode,                0, 'none',                1, 'null',                2, 'row-s',                3, 'row-x',                4, 'share',                5, 's/row-x',                6, 'exclusive', 'unknown') lockmode  from v$lock a, v$session b, all_objects c, v$process d where a.sid = b.sid   and a.type in ('tm','tx')   and c.object_id = a.id1   and b.paddr = d.addr;-- 杀掉进程-- alter system kill session 'sid,serial#';


