Documenting Objective-C with Doxygen Part I

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When working on a projects, whether they consist of a single file or hundreds of classes, documentation is a requirement. Nothing, not even a robust test harness is as critical to the longevity of code than good documentation. Documentation is what allows us to collaborate, use libraries written by people we’ve never met, and remember exactly what we were thinking when we revisit our own code. If you have any doubt that documentation is the most important component of a project besides the actual source code, ask yourself how far you would get with Cocoa without the developer documentation.

Java is far from a perfect language or a perfect platform. One thing the guys at Sun got right from the beginning was Javadoc. Java has a standard format for commenting your code and a single common tool for extracting these comments into well formatted documentation. Javadoc generated documentation won’t win any contests for web design, but one of the reasons that there are so many widely used Java libraries is because you never see a library lacking this minimal level of documentation.

Java is not alone. Ruby has RDoc. PHP has phpDocumenter and others. While not every language has a single official documentation system like Java, there’s usually one or two de-facto standards used by the community. For a list of documentation tools, look here.

When I was first starting out with Objective-C, I took a look around to see what Objective-C coders use for their documentation. I did not find a clear answer. Also, I couldn’t find a lot of great examples of fully documented code. I hope this blog post helps fill in the blanks for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation.

In this post, I’ll show you how to comment your header files using Doxygen. Why am I using Doxygen? As near as I can tell, Doxygen seems to be the best solution available for documenting Objective-C code. It appears that there used to be a tool called AutoDoc, but I can’t find much information on it. There’s also Apple’s own HeaderDoc. My assumption was that Apple’s tool must be the best tool for the job. After playing with it, I’m not so sure. Even though Apple provides documentation for using the tool and even provides support for generating HeaderDoc comments in Xcode, I found it to be a bit lacking. One problem I had was that I couldn’t find any guidance for how to document Objective-C 2.0 properties. I have these all over my code, so this was troubling. That left Doxygen, which does a decent job of creating documentation, supports Javadoc style documentation (which means most of us don’t have to learn a new way of doing things), and can actually package the generated documentation for use in Xcode.

One thing to mention before we get to some examples is that Doxygen is a tool designed parse your header files, not implementation files. I don’t mean to imply that you should not comment your implementation files. The point of a tool like Doxygen is to document the external interfaces to your code. When we document code, and more importantly when we design software, we should think in terms of interfaces and how code call those interfaces. Not only will this lead to great documentation but you might find that this approach leads to better software.

Documenting C Constructs

Let’s start with documenting common C language constructs before we get to Objective-C. Here’s some examples of variable and constant declarations:

/**  A string constant.   We use this when we need to have some super useful C string. */const char* someString = "Some C String"; /**  A global int. Wait globals are bad!!! */int myInt = 12;

These comments should look somewhat familiar to anyone who’s written Javadoc comments. We’ll be using Doxygen’s JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF setting, which mimics some of Javadoc’s behavior. When Doxygen parses these comments, the first sentence (demarcated by the first period) will become the brief description. The entire comment makes up the full description. The brief description is a succinct note on what the element we’re documenting represents. The full description can be used to provide an in-depth explanation. Note that my comments are not entirely the same as used in javadoc. Doxygen supports putting an asterisk on every line like javadoc comments, but since Xcode automatically add an asterisk on every line like other IDEs, I’m not using them.

In the case where we define multiple variables of the same type at once, we again deviate a bit from javadoc style:

float height, /**< Some height measurement */  width, /**< Some width measurement */  depth; /**< Some depth measurement */

Again, this is very javadoc like if not exactly like javadoc comments. You have the option of adding comments above the declarations or on the right hand side as we see here. Generally if you need long descriptions, do not use this inline format.

Let’s look at how we document enumerations:

/**  An enumeration of color names */enum color { black, red, green, yellow, blue, white=7, gray }; /**  An enumeration of user types */enum userType {  user, /**< A basic user */  admin, /**< A user with admin access */  superUser /**< A user with admin access that can make other admins */};

At this point, the code is commented, which is great. The next time you look at this, you’ll know what each type of user is good for. So far though, we haven’t seen any really big wins from documenting in this style. The payoff will come when we get to functions and classes. But just to keep you interested, take a look at the documentation that Doxygen generates just from what little work we’ve done so far: Generated Documentation

I admit that Doxygen generated html, much like the output of the Javadoc tool, will not win any design awards, but this is great stuff to have. Imagine you’re revisiting your code a year from now or you’re bringing someone new on to your team; having these sorts of docs can save a lot of time.

Now let’s take a look at C structures:

/**  A c struct that holds information about a song. */struct Song {  /**     The song title    */  char title[64];  char artist[32], /**< The name of the artist */    composer[32]; /**< The name of the composer */  short duration; /**< The duration of the song in seconds */  CFDateRef published; /**< The date the song was published */}; /**  An alias for the type Song. */typedef struct Song Song_t;

So far, it’s virtually the same as what we’ve seen before. We use a comment before the struct Song to describe the structure, and either inline or full comments to describe each member. In general you’ll probably not mix these styles as I have here. This is just to point out that you can chose either one. We can also comment our typedefs, which Doxygen has no problems parsing.

Unions as you might expect are handled the same way as structures:

/**  Represents some space in memory where we can squirrel away an int, double, or short string. */union Data {  int i; /**< An integer value */  double x; /**< A double value */  char str[16]; /**< A string value */};

Take a look how Doxygen presents structs and unions: Generated Documentation

The last basic C construct I’ll cover is macros. We use the #define directive to make macros in C, and they may or may not take parameters:

/**  A number to represent girls in our application */#define GIRL 0 /**  A number to represent boys in our application */#define BOY 1 /**  A function that sums two numbers  @param a the first number  @param b the second number  @returns the sum of the arguments */#define SUM(a,b) (a + b)

The first two examples are straight forward enough. We just add a simple comment before each macro. The third example is where things get interesting; we start using some tags in our comments. The @param tag is used to describe a parameter to a function or method. The @returns tag is used to define what a function or method returns. You’ll notice that we name which parameter we’re describing in the @param tag.

Tagged comments are more useful than just adding notes in an unstructured way. We now have a clear, consistent way of documenting parameters and return types. Take a look at how Doxygen documents macros: Generated Documentation

All this extra work starts paying off once we start documenting parameters and return values. Now that we’ve seen how to do this, let’s look at some function prototypes:

/**  Calculates the volume of a cylinder  @param r the radius  @param h the height  @returns the volume */double cylinderVolume( double r, double h ); /**  Logs a message to the console  @param level the level of the log; 0-5  @param message the message to log */void logMessage( unsigned short level, char* message );

In the case of functions, we’re reusing the same @param and @returns tags. Notice that we do not need the @returns tag for the second function as it does not return anything. See how Doxygen documents functions: Generated Documentation

Documenting Objective-C Constructs

While it’s great to have a C refresher, you’re likely reading this because you’re interested in documenting Objective-C classes and methods. At this point you’ve seen enough to get started, but let’s be thorough and show some examples for common Objective-C constructs.

To start off with, let’s take a look at how we would comment and Objective-C class:

/**  Simple class to represent an automobile.   */@interface Automobile : NSObject {  /**    The name of the model of car   */  NSString *modelName;   /**    The model number   */  NSUInteger modelNumber;   /**    The price of the car in Australian dollars   */  NSDecimalNumber *price;} @end

Commenting an Objective-C class is what you would expect. We have a comment for the @interface declaration and comments for each of the instance variables. Let’s take a look at how we document Objective-C 2.0 properties:

/**  Simple class to represent an automobile.   */@interface Automobile : NSObject {  /**    The name of the model of car   */  NSString *modelName;   /**    The model number   */  NSUInteger modelNumber;   NSDecimalNumber *price;} @property(retain) NSString *modelName;@property(readwrite) NSUInteger modelNumber; /**  The price of the car in Australian dollars */@property(retain) NSDecimalNumber *price; /**  The price of the car in US Dollars. */@property(readonly) NSDecimalNumber *usDollars; @end

We’ve marked up properties in the same way we’ve marked up other declarations. The thing to note is that we have not documented every property. The properties modelName and modelNumber do not have any comments. We don’t need to comment these properties as we’ve already documented their instance variables. Doxygen is smart enough to realize this. If we documented both the instance variables and the property declarations, we’d end up with double documentation in our generated html. We explicitly added comments for the price and usDollars properties. We removed the comment from the price instance variable and added it to the property instead. You have the option of documenting either the instance variable or the corresponding property. Either way is fine though you should decide on what way you prefer and stick with it. The final property, usDollars, must be commented at the property level as it does not correspond to an instance variable.

Let’s add a method to the Automobile class and comment it:

/**  Simple class to represent an automobile.   */@interface Automobile : NSObject { ... /**  Initialize a new Automobile object  @param name The model name  @param number the model number  @param price the price  @returns a newly initialized object */- (id)initAutomobileWithModelName:(NSString *)name                      modelNumber:(NSUInteger)number                            price:(NSDecimalNumber *)price; /**  Returns a list of all current model names.  The names are represented as NSString objects.  @returns a list of names */+ (NSArray *)allCurrentModelNames; @end

Again we rely on the @param and @returns tags to comment this method. Take a look at the generated documentation for the Automobile class: Generated Documentation

If we need to document an Objective-C category, it’s essentially the same as documenting a class. Here’s an example:

/**  Adds some convenience methods to the NSString class */@interface NSString (MyString)  /**  Tests to see if a string begins with another string  @param string the string to test for  @returns returns YES if this string begins with the string parameter, otherwise returns NO. */- (BOOL)beginsWith:(NSString *)string/**  Tests to see if a string begins with another string without respect to case  @param string the string to test for  @returns returns YES if this string begins with the string parameter, otherwise returns NO. */- (BOOL)beginsWithCaseInsensative:(NSString *)string/**  Tests to see if a string ends with another string  @param string the string to test for  @returns returns YES if this string ends with the string parameter, otherwise returns NO. */- (BOOL)endsWith:(NSString *)string/**  Tests to see if a string ends with another string without respect to case  @param string the string to test for  @returns returns YES if this string ends with the string parameter, otherwise returns NO. */- (BOOL)endsWithCaseInsensative:(NSString *)string/**  Creates a new string by trimming all whitespace from the begining and ending of this string.  @returns the trimmed string */- (NSString *)stringByTrimming; /**  Returns a new string based on English pluralization rules applied to this string.  @returns the pluralized string */- (NSString *)pluralize; @end

Generated Documentation

For the sake of completeness, here’s an Objective-C protocol:

/**  Set of methods to be implemented to act as a restaurant patron */@protocol RestaurantPatron /**  Method to order food from a menu  @param menu the menu  @returns the patron's order */- (Order *)orderFood:(Menu *)menu; @optional /**  Calculate a tip.  @param order The order on which to tip  @returns the value of the tip in Euros */- (NSDecimalNumber *)calculateTip:(Order *)order; @end

Generated Documentation

It’s worth noting that I had some problems with Doxygen when using @class declarations with protocols. Even with the few issues Doxygen has, it’s still a great tool for documenting Objective-C code.

Additional Documentation Tags

There are a number of additional tags we can use in the bodies of our comments to give the reader more information. Here’s a list of popular javadoc style tags that Doxygen supports:

@author name | URL | email address
Use this tag to claim ownership of a portion of the code base. This supports adding a name, URL, or email address.

@deprecated text
Use this to indicate that the commented piece of code will be removed at some point in the future.

@exception type text
Use this to indicate that the commented piece of code may thrown an exception.

@see text | URL | classname | classname#methodname
Use this to tag to refer the reader to some other source of related information.

@since text
Add a note describing at what point this part of the interface became available.

Let’s use these in a fairly contrived example:

/**  Class that contains miscellaneous functions  @author Fred McCann */@interface Miscellaneous : NSObject { } /** Returns the string we pass into to @param string the string to echo @returns the echoed string @since version 0.1a @deprecated We're dropping this in v2 cause it's pointless */+ (NSString *)echo:(NSString *)string/**  Call this to press that button we're all curious about.  @exception ReconsideredException This isn't likely to happen but possible  @exception LostException This fires off when we can't find the button  @see  @see Automobile#usDollars */+ (void)pressTheShinyRedButton; @end

Generated Documentation

These are not the only tags you can use with Doxygen, though these are ones you might commonly find a use for. For complete documentation on allowed tags and to see how to add lists, formulas, and other markup to comments, take a look at the Doxygen user’s manual.

That covers how to comment your code for use with Doxygen. In part II I’ll cover how to make writing all these comments a bit easier, how to run the Doxygen generator, and how to integrate generated documentation into your build process and into Xcode’s documentation system.
