
来源:互联网 发布:linux top nic 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 18:00









/** *  buffer.h *  *  Copyright (C) 2011 flytreeleft( * * This file is placed under the LGPL.  * * If you have some questions or advises, please email me! *                        Thank you! */#ifndef __BUFFER_H_#define __BUFFER_H_typedef unsigned int uint32_t;typedef struct UserBuffer {// the buffer pool will use the id to decide// whether this buffer belongs to it or notuint32_t id;// using type -- to read or to writeint type;// the size of buffer which is got// or needed to setuint32_t size;void *start; // address of buffer} Buffer;#endif


/** *  bufferpool.h * *  Copyright (C) 2011 flytreeleft( * * This file is placed under the LGPL.  * * If you have some questions or advises, please email me! *                        Thank you! */#ifndef __BUFFER_POOL_H_#define __BUFFER_POOL_H_#include <pthread.h>#include "buffer.h"#define MIN_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT(1)#define POOL_BUFFER_INVALID_ID  (0)enum {POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN,POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_READ,POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_WRITE};enum {POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_UNUSED = 0,POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_READING,POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_WRITING};class CBufferPool {private:typedef struct _PoolBuffer {// every buffer has a different id in pooluint32_t id;// using status of bufferint status;// address of buffervoid *start;uint32_t size;struct _PoolBuffer *next;} PoolBuffer;uint32_t id_seed;PoolBuffer *input;PoolBuffer *output;PoolBuffer *head;uint32_t slice_size; // size per slicepthread_mutex_t rw_mutex;int size;public:CBufferPool(void);CBufferPool(int count);void SetSliceSize(uint32_t size);int GetSize(void) { return size; }bool Increase(int increase);bool Decrease(int decrease);void Create(int count);void Clear(void);bool GetOut(Buffer *buffer);bool PutBack(Buffer *buffer);bool IsFull(void);bool IsEmpty(void);void Print(void);~CBufferPool(void);private:void InitData(void);bool IsClear(void);bool GetReadBuffer(Buffer *reader);bool GetWriteBuffer(Buffer *writer);bool PutReadBuffer(Buffer *reader);bool PutWriteBuffer(Buffer *writer);uint32_t GenerateId(void) {return ++id_seed;}};#endif


/** *  bufferpool.cpp * *  Copyright (C) 2011 flytreeleft( * * This file is placed under the LGPL. * * If you have some questions or advises, please email me! *                        Thank you! */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <string.h>#include "bufferpool.h"#include "zero.h"CBufferPool::CBufferPool(void) {InitData();}CBufferPool::CBufferPool(int count) {InitData();Create(count);}void CBufferPool::InitData(void) {head = NULL;input = output = head;size = 0;slice_size = 1024; // 1KBpthread_mutex_init(&rw_mutex, NULL);}void CBufferPool::SetSliceSize(uint32_t size) {slice_size = (size > 0 ? size : 1);}/** * create additional buffers */bool CBufferPool::Increase(int increase) {PoolBuffer *tmp = NULL;bool succ = true;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (!IsClear()) {while (increase > 0) {tmp = SAFE_MALLOC(PoolBuffer, sizeof(PoolBuffer));if (tmp != NULL) {ZERO(tmp);tmp->id = GenerateId();size++;increase--;tmp->next = input->next;input->next = tmp;} else {printf("no enough space,"\"when increasing pool:"\"last size is %d\n",size);break;}}} else {printf("Please create pool first!\n");}pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);return succ;}bool CBufferPool::Decrease(int decrease) {PoolBuffer *next = NULL;PoolBuffer *tmp = NULL;bool succ = true;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (!IsClear()) {next = input->next;while (next != output && decrease > 0 && size > MIN_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT) {tmp = next->next;SAFE_FREE(next->start);SAFE_FREE(next);next = tmp;size--;decrease--;}input->next = next;} else {printf("There is no buffer in pool!\n");}pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);return succ;}/** * get out buffer to read or write, according to buffer's type */bool CBufferPool::GetOut(Buffer *buffer) {bool succ = false;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (buffer != NULL) {switch (buffer->type) {case POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_READ:succ = GetReadBuffer(buffer);break;case POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_WRITE:succ = GetWriteBuffer(buffer);break;}}pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);return succ;}bool CBufferPool::PutBack(Buffer *buffer) {bool succ = false;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (buffer != NULL) {switch (buffer->type) {case POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_READ:succ = PutReadBuffer(buffer);break;case POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_WRITE:succ = PutWriteBuffer(buffer);break;}}buffer->id = POOL_BUFFER_INVALID_ID;buffer->size = 0;buffer->start = NULL;pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);return succ;}bool CBufferPool::GetReadBuffer(Buffer *reader) {bool succ = false;if (!IsClear()&& !IsEmpty() && output->status != POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_WRITING) {reader->id = output->id;reader->size = output->size;reader->start = output->start;output->status = POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_READING;succ = true;}return succ;}bool CBufferPool::GetWriteBuffer(Buffer *writer) {bool succ = false;uint32_t o, n;if (!IsClear()&& !IsFull() && input->status != POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_READING && writer->size > 0) {o = (input->size / slice_size) + (input->size % slice_size > 0 ? 1 : 0);n = (writer->size / slice_size) + (writer->size % slice_size > 0 ? 1 : 0);if (o != n) {SAFE_FREE(input->start);input->start = SAFE_MALLOC(void, n * slice_size);}input->size = writer->size;writer->start = input->start;writer->id = input->id;input->status = POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_WRITING;succ = true;}return succ;}bool CBufferPool::PutReadBuffer(Buffer *reader) {bool succ = false;if (!IsClear() && reader->id == output->id && output->status == POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_READING) {output->status = POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_UNUSED;output = output->next;succ = true;}return succ;}bool CBufferPool::PutWriteBuffer(Buffer *writer) {bool succ = false;if (!IsClear() && writer->id == input->id && input->status == POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_WRITING) {input->status = POOL_BUFFER_STATUS_UNUSED;input = input->next;succ = true;}return succ;}/** * when input pointer's next and output are equal, * the pool is full */bool CBufferPool::IsFull(void) {return (input != NULL ? input->next == output : false);}/** * when output pointer and input pointer are equal, * the pool is empty */bool CBufferPool::IsEmpty(void) {return (output == input);}/** * create buffers in pool. */void CBufferPool::Create(int count) {PoolBuffer *tmp = NULL;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (count < MIN_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT) {count = MIN_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT;}if (!IsClear()) {printf("Please clear the pool first!\n");return;}while (count >= 0) { // i need to create one more buffertmp = SAFE_MALLOC(PoolBuffer, sizeof(PoolBuffer));if (tmp != NULL) {ZERO(tmp);tmp->id = GenerateId();size++; count--;if (head != NULL) {tmp->next = head->next;head->next = tmp;} else {head = tmp;head->next = tmp;}} else {printf("no enough space,"\"when creating buffer pool:"\"last size is %d\n", size);break;}}// hide one buffersize = (size > 0 ? size - 1 : 0);input = output = head;pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);}/** * free buffer from head to tail, one by one */void CBufferPool::Clear(void) {PoolBuffer *next = head;PoolBuffer *tmp = NULL;pthread_mutex_lock(&rw_mutex);if (!IsClear()) {do {tmp = next->next;SAFE_FREE(next->start);SAFE_FREE(next);next = tmp;} while(next != head);}size = 0;head = NULL;input = output = head;pthread_mutex_unlock(&rw_mutex);}/** * print all buffers' information */void CBufferPool::Print(void) {PoolBuffer *h = head;if (!IsClear()) {do {printf("----------------------\n");printf("| id = %3d,size = %3d|\n", h->id, h->size);printf("----------------------\n");h = h->next;} while(h != head);} else {printf("there is no buffer in pool...\n");}}/** * is there no buffer in pool? */bool CBufferPool::IsClear(void) {bool clear = true;if (size >= MIN_POOL_BUFFER_COUNT&& head != NULL && input != NULL && output != NULL) {clear = false;}return clear;}CBufferPool::~CBufferPool(void) {Clear();}
/** *  zero.h * *  Copyright (C) 2011 flytreeleft( * * This file is placed under the LGPL.  * * If you have some questions or advises, please email me! *                        Thank you! */#ifndef __ZERO_H_#define __ZERO_H_#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#define ZERO(obj) memset(obj, 0, sizeof(*obj))#define ZERO_ARRAY(array,count) memset(array, 0, (count) * sizeof(array[0]))#define SAFE_MALLOC(type,size) (type *)safe_malloc(size)#define SAFE_FREE(p) safe_free(p)static inline void *safe_malloc(int size) {return size > 0 ? malloc(size) : NULL;}static inline void safe_free(void *p) {if (p != NULL) {free(p);}}#endif



/** *  pooltest.cpp * *  Copyright (C) 2011 flytreeleft( * * This file is placed under the LGPL.  * * If you have some questions or advises, please email me! *                        Thank you! */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "bufferpool.h"#define POOL_SIZE(1)#define TEXT_SIZE(10)int main(void) {Buffer buffer;CBufferPool pool;int i;char text[TEXT_SIZE];// increase of decrease befor createpool.Increase(2);pool.Decrease(2);// create newpool.Create(POOL_SIZE);pool.Print();// create befor clearpool.Create(POOL_SIZE);printf("writing...\n");// write buffer in poolfor (i = 0; i < pool.GetSize(); i++) {// initializebuffer.type = POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_WRITE;buffer.size = TEXT_SIZE;// get input buffer from poolif (pool.GetOut(&buffer)) {printf("input : id %d\n",;// write buffersnprintf(text, TEXT_SIZE, "test %d", i);memcpy(buffer.start, text, TEXT_SIZE);printf("\ttext : %s\n", text);// put buffer to poolpool.PutBack(&buffer);}}pool.Print();printf("reading...\n");// read buffer in poolfor (i = 0; i < pool.GetSize(); i++) {// initializebuffer.type = POOL_BUFFER_TYPE_READ;// get output buffer from poolif (pool.GetOut(&buffer)) {printf("output : id %d, size %d\n",, buffer.size);// read bufferprintf("\ttext : %s\n", (char *)buffer.start);// put buffer to poolpool.PutBack(&buffer);}}printf("increase buffer...\n");pool.Increase(2);pool.Print();printf("decrease buffer...\n");pool.Decrease(2);pool.Print();return 0;}

gcc -o pooltest pooltest.cpp bufferpool.cpp
