
来源:互联网 发布:www.java.com 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 22:53
#include <ntddk.h>#define MAKELONG(low, high) \((ULONG)(((USHORT)((ULONG)(low) & 0xffff)) | ((ULONG)((USHORT)((ULONG)(high) & 0xffff))) << 16))#define GET_LOW16_OF_32(data) \((USHORT)(((ULONG)data) & 0xffff))#define GET_HIGH16_OF_32(data) \((USHORT)(((ULONG)data) >> 16))#pragma pack(push,1)typedef struct IDTR_{  USHORT limit;  ULONG base;} IDTR, *P_IDTR;typedef struct IDTENTRY_{  USHORT offset_low;  USHORT selector;  UCHAR reserved;  UCHAR type:4;  UCHAR always0:1;  UCHAR dpl:2;  UCHAR present:1;  USHORT offset_high;} IDTENTRY, *P_IDTENTRY;#pragma pack(pop)ULONG Offset = 0;ULONG HOOK_IDT_INDEX[] = {0x01, 0x03};#define HOOK_IDT_NUM sizeof(HOOK_IDT_INDEX)/sizeof(ULONG)VOID *g_old_entry[HOOK_IDT_NUM] = {0};VOID *GetIdt(){  IDTR idtr;  _asm sidt idtr  return (VOID *)idtr.base;}VOID MyUserFilter(){  KdPrint(("Crurrent IRQL: %d\n",KeGetCurrentIrql()));  if (Offset > 0)  {    ULONG eprocess = (ULONG)PsGetCurrentProcess();    PULONG pDebugPort = (PULONG)(eprocess+Offset);    if (*pDebugPort > 0)    {      KdPrint(("DebugObject = %x\n", pDebugPort));      *pDebugPort = 0; //clear DebugPort    }  }}__declspec(naked) InterruptProc01(){  __asm  {    pushfd          // 保存标志寄存器    pushad          // 保存所有的通用寄存器    push  fs    __asm    {      mov     ebx, 30H  // Set FS to PCR.      mov     fs, bx    }    call MyUserFilter    pop    fs    popad          // 恢复通用寄存器    popfd          // 恢复标志寄存器    jmp  g_old_entry[0]    // 跳到原来的中断服务程序  }}__declspec(naked) InterruptProc03(){  __asm  {    pushfd          // 保存标志寄存器    pushad          // 保存所有的通用寄存器    push  fs    __asm    {      mov     ebx, 30H  // Set FS to PCR.      mov     fs, bx    }    call MyUserFilter    pop    fs    popad          // 恢复通用寄存器    popfd          // 恢复标志寄存器    jmp  g_old_entry[4]    // 跳到原来的中断服务程序  }}VOID *g_new_entry[HOOK_IDT_NUM] = {InterruptProc01, InterruptProc03};VOID ModifyInterrupt(BOOLEAN hook_or_unhook){  USHORT i;  P_IDTENTRY idt_addr = (P_IDTENTRY)GetIdt();  //SetWriteProtect(FALSE, &orgcr0);  for (i = 0; i < HOOK_IDT_NUM; i++)  {    KdPrint(("the current address for index %02x = %x\n", HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i],      (VOID *)MAKELONG(idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_low, idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_high)));    if(hook_or_unhook)    {      KdPrint(("try to hook this interrupt\n"));      g_old_entry[i] = (VOID *)MAKELONG(idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_low, idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_high);      idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_low = GET_LOW16_OF_32(g_new_entry[i]);      idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_high = GET_HIGH16_OF_32(g_new_entry[i]);    }    else    {      KdPrint(("try to recovery interrupt for index %02x\n", HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]));      idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_low = GET_LOW16_OF_32(g_old_entry[i]);      idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_high = GET_HIGH16_OF_32(g_old_entry[i]);    }    KdPrint(("the current address = %x\n",      (VOID *)MAKELONG(idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_low, idt_addr[HOOK_IDT_INDEX[i]].offset_high)));  }//for  //SetWriteProtect(TRUE, &orgcr0);}VOID HookIDT(BOOLEAN hook_or_unhook){  KAFFINITY     ActiveProcessors, CurrentAffinity;  ActiveProcessors=KeQueryActiveProcessors();   KdPrint(("KeActiveProcessors = %d\n", ActiveProcessors));  for (CurrentAffinity = 1; ActiveProcessors; CurrentAffinity <<= 1)   {    if (ActiveProcessors & CurrentAffinity)    {      ActiveProcessors &= ~CurrentAffinity;      KeSetSystemAffinityThread(CurrentAffinity);      KdPrint(("At %d CPU IDT:\n", CurrentAffinity));      ModifyInterrupt(hook_or_unhook);      KdPrint(("\n"));    }  }}VOID Unload(PDRIVER_OBJECT drv){    HookIDT(FALSE);    KdPrint (("Unload Driver\n")); }NTSTATUS DriverEntry(                      IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,                      IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath                      ) {   RTL_OSVERSIONINFOEXW osverinfo = {sizeof(osverinfo)};    KdPrint (("Entering DriverEntry\n"));     DriverObject->DriverUnload = Unload;  RtlGetVersion((PRTL_OSVERSIONINFOW)&osverinfo);  KdPrint(("OSVersion NT %d.%d:%d sp%d.%d\n",    osverinfo.dwMajorVersion, osverinfo.dwMinorVersion, osverinfo.dwBuildNumber,    osverinfo.wServicePackMajor, osverinfo.wServicePackMinor));  if (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osverinfo.dwMinorVersion == 0)    Offset = 0x120; //WINDOWS_VERSION_2K  else if (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osverinfo.dwMinorVersion == 1)    Offset = 0xbc; //WINDOWS_VERSION_XP  else if (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osverinfo.dwMinorVersion == 2)    Offset = 0xcc; //WINDOWS_VERSION_2003  else if (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osverinfo.dwMinorVersion == 0)    Offset = 0xd4; //WINDOWS_VERSION_VISTA  else if (osverinfo.dwMajorVersion == 6 && osverinfo.dwMinorVersion == 1)    Offset = 0xec; //WINDOWS_VERSION_WIN7  else    Offset = 0;    HookIDT(TRUE);    return  STATUS_SUCCESS; }

这个方法很简单:hook int1,int3

