
来源:互联网 发布:2016nba总决赛数据统计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:46

三句标准的Dynamic Html 创建进度条

<TITLE>Recalc Example</TITLE>
BUTTON {font-size:14;width:150}

var timerID = null;
var seconds = 0;

// This function is called when the page loads.
// It sets up a couple of expressions.

function init()

// This function gets calls once a second and updates the seconds
// variable. Notice that withoutrecalc, the expressions aren't
// updated until the mouse is moved.

function timer()

// starts the timer

function starttimer()
  if (timerID == null)
    timerID = setInterval("timer()", 1000);
    startButton.disabled = true;
    stopButton.disabled = false;

// stops the timer

function stoptimer()
  if (timerID != null)
    timerID = null;
    startButton.disabled = false;
    stopButton.disabled = true;

//  resets the timer

function resettimer()
  seconds = 0;

<BODY onload="init()">

<DIV id=A style="background-color:lightblue" ></DIV>
<DIV id=B style="color:hotpink;font-weight:bold"></DIV>

<BUTTON id="startButton" onclick="starttimer()">Start the Timer</BUTTON></BR>
<BUTTON id="stopButton" DISABLED="true" onclick="stoptimer()">Stop the Timer</BUTTON><BR>
<BUTTON id="resetButton" onclick="resettimer()">Reset the Timer</BUTTON><BR>

<P style="width:320;color:peru;background-color:wheat">
This example illustrates the use of document.recalc().  If the calls
to recalc are omitted in this example, expressions will not be updated
until the mouse is moved.

