install s2plot -MacOS

来源:互联网 发布:mac复制快捷键设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 20:19
Installing s2plot for Mac OS X running Leopard:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------There are instructions online and in the INSTALL.TXT and ENVIRONMENT.TXT files,as well as online. This is documentation specifically for Mac Laptops running Leopard. Note that the full list of supported architectures is available at Install XCODE for compiling.2) s2plot     a) Install     b) Configure     c) Test     d) Implement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1)  Install XCODE:  This has the compilers, etc. used by the s2plot scripts. a) Using Mac Install Disc 2, in the XCODE folder click on Xcode Tools.mpkg and use thewizard. It will install in the /Developer directory.Alternatively grab  XCODE off of web - takes 2 hours to download and is 1 GB. b) Reboot your computer so that the gcc compiler will be put into the /usr/bin/ directory.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) S2PLOT2a) Install S2PLOT:--Download the tar file for the full release from Bunzip by clicking s2plot-all-2.4-2008-09-29.tar.bz2 in a Finder window. -- Move the resulting s2plot-2.4. directory to /usr/local/-- Open up the permissions             chmod -R 777 s2plot-2.42b) Configure S2PLOT:-- Check that s2plot-2.4/s2plot.csh has S2X11PATH  which points to  /usr/X11R6-- Set environmental variables in a dot rc file.     - check the kind of shell you are running by typing "ps".  It will be       listed.   The following instructions assume that  bash is running.     - make a .bashrc file with the following:# s2plot settingsexport S2PATH="/usr/local/s2plot-2.4"export S2ARCH="darwin-gnu-i386"export PATH="${PATH}:${S2PATH}:${S2PATH}/${S2ARCH}"export S2TEXPATH="${S2PATH}/textures"export S2PLOT_LATEXBIN="/usr/texbin"export S2PLOT_DVIPNGBIN="/usr/texbin"export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${S2PATH}/${S2ARCH}"export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${S2PATH}/${S2ARCH}"export C_INCLUDE_PATH="${C_INCLUDE_PATH}:${S2PATH}"export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}:${S2PATH}"export PATH="${PATH}:${S2PATH}:${S2PATH}/${S2ARCH}"-- to source these variables type      . .bashrc Note that the S2PLOT_LATEXBIN and S2PLOT_DVIPNGBIN environment variables assume that you have a working installation of LaTeX and the dvipng program,which is available from packages are *only* required for two S2PLOT functions:ss2ltt - Create a texture with LATEX commands.If you wish to use Freetype fonts for creating texture-mapped labels viafunction:ss2ftt - Use a named freetype font to create a texture mapwill also need to set:export S2FREETYPE="yes"2c)  Testing that the installation and configurations have worked: Test that you can run the programs from a terminal (do not use the Apple Finderor other file managers).--   Change to directory for s2plot-2.4       cd $S2PATH -- The test programs haven't been compiled yet.  To do this type       build-functions.csh    which puts them in the darwin-gnu-i386 dir which can be called with    $S2PATH/$S2ARCH -- move to  the directory with the functions        cd  $S2PATH/$S2ARCH-- Select  any name at random and type it's name to run.            At the graphics device prompt it best to select /S2MONO.2d)  Implement S2PLOT functions. -- Make a directory in your home area in which you want to store the functions    (e.g. s2plotfn).  -- Copy the functions over to this directory and compile them.  Example:       Copy s2opend.c from the directory ${S2PATH}/functions to ~/s2plotfn       directory. Compile with           cbuild.csh s2opend       This builds an executable binary called "s2opend" -- To run the executable  you then just type the name.              F1 toggles on info about what you can do.             Shift-ESC or Shift-Q to quit.-- A full list of keypresses and mouse controls is available at